TT-949 (Tourism Edition) -- Airbnb Meltdown, Losing Sight of What Makes a Company Successful

I wasn't going to write about Airbnb again, but the meltdown of the firm's business here in Japan over the last 2 weeks has been spectacular.



TT-948 -- The Nuclear Issue: Missiles, Meltdowns, and MOX, e-biz News from Japan

For the Japanese, the Trump-Kim summit is a bit of a slap on the face as they are being bypassed by Trump in his eagerness for a North Korea deal. Essentially the White House is relegating Japan's interests to being of minor concern.


TT-947 (Tourism Edition) -- What Comes After Airbnb Listings Fall 90%?

An Airbnb competitor told me that they think Airbnb will lose up to 90% of its listings in Tokyo, and that in a perverse sort of way, it levels the playing field for the other industry players.



TT-946 -- Japan's Tulip - the Akoya Pearl Industry, ebiz news from Japan

Few farming-marine sectors in Japan have seen such extreme boom and bust conditions as the pearl industry. A recent report in the Nikkei says that Japanese pearls are now experiencing a mini-boom.


TT-945 (Tourism Edition) -- Art of Travel in Japan - Screening Out the Ugly

There is a big perception gap between what the Japanese tourism and infrastructure authorities think they should spend their money on and what foreign tourists are actually seeking.



TT-944 -- Feudal Bank Culture Collides with International Laws, e-biz news from Japan

Even in 2018 the capacity for Japanese major corporations and politicians to shock us with their obliviousness towards social trends and changing standards is astounding.


TT-943 (Tourist Edition) -- The Coming Tax Grab on Tourism

There is last week's approval in the Diet of the JPY1,000 Departure Tax on every traveler leaving the country, Japanese or foreign, and the money will likely not be used for tourism at all.



TT-942 -- Dealing with Imposters on the Web, ebiz news from Japan

The theory is that lies are more acceptable when the person telling them (or someone minding that person) ameliorates the situation afterwards by giving additional context to suggest the lie could have happened if the circumstances were different.


TT-941 (Tourism Edition) -- Searching for the Top Luxury Hotels in Setouchi

One of the biggest challenges for the travel agency at Japan Travel is to find places for our luxury clients to stay and memorable things for them to do. It's because of Japan's obsession with with promoting the concept of everyone being middle class.



TT-940 -- Internships - a Legal Try-out for Non-residents

The reality is that there is a worsening shortage of suitable candidates at suitable prices, and so companies are finding it easier to hire from the international marketplace, and use their existing staff to fill the language gaps.

