TT-802 (Tourism Edition) -- Inbound Tourists Driving Domestic Profits

Most of this good news is happening because of the increase in foreign tourists and the accompanying surge in infrastructure improvements that local investors are making to support those extra tourists.



TT-801 -- Who Was Kazunori Ozaki? E-biz news from Japan

On April 7, 2015, Japan lost a one of its most influential small-cap private equity and venture capital champions, Kazunori Ozaki, who until recently was the Chairman and CEO of Ant Capital.


TT-800 (Tourism Edition) -- Breaking Down Exclusionism and Vested Interests

Last week Japan Travel launched Japan's first open tours marketplace for inbound travelers featuring tours getting people out of Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and explore Japan in greater depth.



TT-799 -- Why Japanese M&A Will Continue to Rise. E-biz News from Japan.

A Goldman Sachs research report noted that Japanese major listed companies in particular are sitting on record amounts of cash and need to do something with it.


TT-798 (Tourism Edition) -- Is New Shanghai Disneyland a Threat to Japan's Inbound Tourism?

Will Shanghai Disneyland siphon off Chinese and overseas visitors to Japan, and what other overseas facilities or events could derail Japan's ascendency as a tourist destination for the throngs in Asia?



TT-797 -- Foreigners' Role in Land Prices. E-biz news from Japan.

Not just hotel funds, foreign individuals are also driving up real estate prices. They are typically starting in the big cities, but we predict it won't be long before the excitement moves out to the rural areas as well.


TT-796 (Tourism Edition) -- Active Volcanoes Versus Tourist Murders

Overseas tourist tragedies (Egypt and Tunisia) remind us just how lucky we are with public safety in Japan, and how Japan should be selling itself as a safe destination for international tourists wanting somewhere exotic to go.



TT-795 -- Rehashing a Failed FDI Program for Tokyo. E-biz news from Japan

A new government initiative operated from the Japan External Trade Organization in cooperation with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has been launched to help make it easier for foreigners to start a company in Japan.


TT-794 (Tourism Edition) -- JAL is Worth Flying Again

Since JAL emerged from bankruptcy in 2010, the company has been on a combination of cost-cutting and strategic route planning. Everything was relatively new, staff were courteous and imbued with "omotenashi".


TT-793 -- Who Does Well with a Weak Yen? E-biz news from Japan

We remember the days when a 30% currency change over 2 years was considered dramatic, and yet here we are at more than 50% and mostly we sit back and complain about how things are getting more expensive.

