Bilingual and English-language Databases in Japan
by Wm. Auckerman
There were, at last count, nearly 3,000 accessible databases in Japan, most of them in Japanese. If you prefer accessing English-language information (or if your computer is incapable of handling Japanese), though, there are several Japanese providers who furnish English or bilingual databases. The hardest part of using such databases may be gaining access to the service; while the databases themselves are at least partially in English, the process of locating the distributor signing up to an online service or purchasing the CD-ROM or disk-based database usually must be handled in Japanese.
There are no reliable statistics of how many Japan-produced databases in total are currently available in English, or how many can be accessed outside of Japan. A survey conducted by the Japan Database Industry Association in mid-1993 found that, of the 136 database service companies responding, 42 were offering services abroad, while another 13 planned to do so. Some of these companies were simply making their Japanese-language databases accessible from overseas, however; of the 306 individual databases that these companies indicated were accessible from overseas, over twothirds (205) were in Japanese only. Only 33% were either bilingual (46) or in English (54). (And just a single database was reported as available in a foreign language other than English.)
The survey respondents includec most of the large database service companies. If the overall Japanese database services provider market is considered, a best-guess estimate is that less than 200/0 of available Japanproduced databases are accessible in English (and one source suggests less than 10%). The 50 or so databases listed below were chosen primarily to illustrate the range of what is available, with the focus on what might interest the average business or general user. Highly scientific or technical databases isuch as Chem-J, English translations of Japanese chemical literature, or the Proton-NMR Spectra Database) and humanities databases are not included.
The list focuses on online databases, but it also includes several CDROM and tape- or disk-based databases. At the end of the listing are phone and fax numbers for many of the larger companies mentioned.
Bilingual databases
Consumer Data
Consumer Statistical Data, from Nihon Keizai Shimbun, is a monthly record of he results of a household survey and Consumer price data published by the Itatistic Bureau of the General Affairs igency.
Corporate statistics
Nikkei Financial Affairs Data, from Jihon Keizai Shimbun, comprises a series of databases focusing on the financial and business affairs of severa different industry sectors. Individua databases include those for Banks Securities Companies Nonlife Insurance Companics, Listed Companies, Unlisted Companies, and several others, as well as a Consolidated Settlement database of 1,300 firms. Data is updated 3 to 4 months after settlement is available.
The Corporation Statistic Data, also from Nihon Keizai Shimbun, contains data derived from the Corporation Statistics Quarterly Report issued quarterly by the Ministry of Finance. The data is ideal for detailed industrial management and economic activity analysis.
The CD-ROM Version: Securities Report List, I,isted Foreign Companies, contains, by coded input, financial data on the 130 foreign companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. This CD is produced and distributed by the Printing Bureau, Ministry of Finance.
World Enterprise Ranking, from Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc., contains financial rankings and evaluations of companies jmainly in Japan, North America, and the UK. The data is derived through multivariate analysis.
Toyo Keizai Inc. produces Information on Enterprises Engaging in Foreign Investment, which includes data on 13,000 listed and unlisted Japanese companies, and Foreign Capital Firm information, which provides data on 3,000 companies headquartered abroad with branches in Japan. The data for both of these is updated annually. These are distributed by NEC Corporation. The Japan Software Company
Directory contains data about Japanese information processing and software development companies.. Produced and distributed by the C. Industrial Research institute.
The NRI Macro Economic & Financial Monetary Related Database contains major Japanese and foreign economic and financial indicators for use in analyting securities investments. It comprises six separate databases that cover North America, Europe, and Asia in addition to Japan. Produced and distributed by Nomura Research Institute Co., Ltd.
The Nikkei General Economic File contains records of the major Japanese and American economic indicators in almost every field. Produced and distributed by Nihon Keizai Shirnbun, Inc.
Nikkei Energy Data, from Nihon Keizai Shimbun, is a database of information on price levels and demands in the Japanese energy industry. Nikkei Energy Model is a quarterly calculation model that provides a forecast of energy prices, demand, and supply.
The MERIT Documents, produced by the Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry, Inc., is a database derived from Japanese medical and pharmaceutical iournals, synopses of lectures, selected foreign journals, and patent data. MERIT Documents is distributed by Japan Information Processing Service Co., Ltd.
Price indices
Nibon Keizai Shimbun produces and distributes Wholesale, Import, and Export Prices Statistics Data, based on monthly reports issued by the Bank of Japan.
Production and shipment Production, Shipment, and Inventory Statistical Data, from Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc., provides 1,500 items of info rmation updated monthly from statistics of the Ministry of International Trade and [ndustry.
Standurds Kikaku produced by the Japan Standard Assoc iation, contains book data on the standards used in Japan and internationally (including JIS, JAFS, 1SO, ANSI, and many others). It is available from Japan Infermation Processing Service Co., I,td.
Stocks/bonds Quick Corporation offers three bilingual financial databases. Quick-FF contains real-time data on financial future and options for interactive analysis. Quick-lO supplies real-tirne stock, bond, and foreign exchange information, as well as economic indicators, historical data, and related news. Quick Video-I offers realtime stock and bond information as \Yell as financial and settlement information.
Produced by IPC Co. and distributed by INS Corporation, the database of 250,000 Scientific and Technological Terms is a glossary of the terminology used in 225 fields. Japanese and English equivalents are provided.
The Sanseido Word Hunter, from Sanseido Co., I,td., contains 12 dictionaries on one CD-ROM. Bilingual resources include the Century, New Crown, and Daily Concise EnglishJapanese Dictionaries.
The Dictionary of Computer, from Nichigai Associates, is a bilingual collection of computer terms, including detailed descriptions and usage examples.
ADESS Data is an online, real-time database of meteorological data from throughout the world. It also includes forecasts of domestic weather, earthquakes, and volcanic activity. AL>ESS Data is produced by the Meteorologisal Agency and is available through the Japan Weather Association.
English-language databases
Japanese aviation News: WING contains information on the Japanese nviation and space industry (including the defense industry), both news articles and official materials. Produced by The WING Aviation Press, it is distributed by Kokusai Information Service Co., Ltd.
Consumer behavior
The Consumer Behavior Survey contains information on changes in consumer opinion and behavior, data useful for gauging business trends. Produced by the Economic Planning Agency, distributed by the Institute for Social Development Research.
Corporate data
The Nikkei Basic Business File, produced and distributed by Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc., contains basic data on 25,000 listed and unlisted companies (locations, shareholders, banks, financial data, and so forth).
The Comline Japanese Corporate Directory contains profiles of 3,-150 Japanese companies. Produced by Comline International Corporation, distributed by Kokusai Information Service Co., Ltd.
COSMOS2 (Teikoku Databank) has 20 items of information (such as English trade names, locations, performance, reliability, and executive profiles) on IX0,000 companies, selected from the COSMOS:, Business File. Produced by Teikoku Databank, Ltd., COSMOS2 is distributed by several vendors, including G-Search.
Dun & Bradstreet Japan's DUNSPRINT offers credit information about Japanese companies (financial, historical, and descriptive data).
Earth sciences
The Science and Technology of the Earth Information Directory Database, produced and distributed by the Japan Information Center of Science and Technology, contains specific information on the global environment for use by researchers.
The Japan Economic Daily database, is produced by KK Kyodo News Service, has daily records of maior economic news in Japan and movements in the securities market. Distributed by Kokusai Information Service Co., Ltd.
The English Article Database, produced and distributed by Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc., contains economic reports issued by banks and government offices and reports collected from various newspapers.
General news
The Asahi Shimbun offers several databases of current news in English, including Asahi Evening Flash and Asahi News Service (translations from the Asahi Shimbun plus the full text of articles from the Asahi Evening News), Asahi Evening News (prompt online versions), and Asahi Online Database (articles from Asahi News Service). These databases are carried by a variety of major vendors, such as Nifty Corporation and Marurzen Co., Ltd.
The Mainichi Shimbun also offers several news databases. The hlainichi Online Database is a collection of articles from the hlainichi Daily News. The hlainichi Daily News Item Information contains the main articles from the Mainichi Daily News. The Mainichi Daily News Business News release contains press releases distributed to the main press clubs in Tokyo. Produced by the Mainichi Shimbun, these databases are distributed by various vendors, including G-Search and Nifty Corporation.
The Yomiuri Shimbun provides The Daily Yomiuri Database, an electronic version of The Daily Yomiuri, and Yomiuri Report From Japan, a collection of Japanese business news articles.
The Nikkei Weekly database contains all articles (except those 017 markets) that have appeared in the Englishlanguage Nihon Keizai Shimbun since July 3983.
The Japan Times database contains a searchable selection of articles from the Japan Times since 1986. The JT database is produced and distributed by Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
The Japan Economic Newspaper Plus contains the full text of all the Englishlanguage stories sent out by KK Kyodo News Service in Tokyo. Distributed by Maruzen Co., Ltd.
Teleputing Hotline is an online newsletter covering hardware and software topics as they relate to communication, networks, new media, and business. Produced by Information Environment Research Institute, this is distributed by Nifty Corporation.
Industrial forecasts
Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc., provides a Short-Term Model of Seven Industrial Countries, containing quarterly models used for forecasting the industrial outlook of the G7 nations.
Macro Model Forecast, produced and distributed by Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc., contains data on (GNP), consumption, investment, and business indicators as well as a 300-equation model aimed at short-term forecasts of the Japanese economy.
Japanese economy & industry
The NRI/E Japanese Economy/ Industry Database stores 5,300 statistical indexes relating to Japanese industry, finances, and macroeconomics, as well as economic forecast data. Produced by Nomura Research Institute Co. Ltd. the NRI/E is distributed by Information Services International Dentsu Ltd.
The Tokyo Survival Guide contains information on leisure and recreation activities for foreigners in the Tokyo area. Produced by IMA Company, the Tokyo Survival Guide is distributed by Nifty Corporation.
Market/industry information
Kyodo Japanese News Service (KYOP) is a collection of information on the Japanese economy, industry, and market conditions. It also includes information on new products, businesses, and industries, as well as the economic OLltlook. Produced by KK Kyodo News Service, KYOP is distributed by Kokusai Information Service Co., Ltd.
The Japan Information Center of Science and Technology (JICST) offers several medical-related databases in English: the JICST f;ile on Science, Technology, and Medicine Document; the JICST DNA Database; JICST Crystal Structure Database, and others.
Middle-East data
APS Diplomat contains information on Arab and Middle-Eastern countries, collected from the Arab Press Service. Produced by KK Kyodo News Service, it is distributed by Kokusai Information Service Co., Ltd.
The JAPIO (Japan Patent Information Organization) files contain English summaries of patents granted in Japan.Produced by the Japan Patent Information Organization, this database is distributed by several vendors, including Maruzen Company, Ltd.
JGRIP (Japanese Government and Public Research in Progress), from the Japan Information Center of Science and Technology, is a database of studies in progress (and those completed within the past five )rears) at Japanese public research institutions.
Retail sales
The Nielsen Retail Index supplies statistical data on sales trends of retail stores throughout Japan, based on periodic sampling tests and store audits. Its Scandrug database is based on point-of-sale data. Both are produced and distributed by AC Nielsen Company of Japan Limited.
Specialized news
Comline Japan Daily is a collection of databases on such specialized topics as biotechnology, computers, electronics, and telecommunications. The Japan Newswire (JPNW) supplies information on technology and R&D as well as enterprises, industries, and the economy. Both are produced by Comline International Corporation and distributed by Kokusai Information Service Co., Ltd.
Stocks & bonds
The Jiji Stock Price Data Rank, produced by Jiii Press, Ltd., and distributed by Information Set-vices InternationalDentsu, I,td., records the stock prices and bond data listed on the Tokyo, Osaka, New York, and American Stock Exchanges. The Jiji Securities Data Service, produced and distributed by Jiji Press, Ltd., contains prices of all issues listed on the same four stock exchanges.
The Japan Weekly Monitor, produced by KK Kyodo News Service and distributed by Kokusai Information Service Co., Ltd., supplies information on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market, and government-related materials
Trade statistics
Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc., produces and distributes Trade Statistic Data, with records classified by item and country. This data is available two weeks sooner than in the Japanese Trade Monthly Report.
World bank data
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun provides two databases based on World Rank statistics: World Economy Data (containing the World Rank's World Tables) and External Debt Statistic File (World Debt Tables).