Asia-Pacific Telecommunication Topics
A Report From the Front Lines
During the past two years, John Savageau has gone from being a Tokyo-based
manager with regional interests and responsibilities to being an Asia-Pacific
roving manager with occasional visits to Tokyo. In addition to accumulating
lots of frequent flyer miles, he has gained some unique insights on the
different trends in telecommunications throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
This month, he shares some of his experiences with Computing Japan readers
through edited excerpts based on his October 1994 travel log.
by John Savageau
Telecommunications is widely recognized as the frontier technology that
will lead us from the quickly developing information society to the next
stage: a communications society. Prominent Asia-Pacific business and economic
publications, such as the Asian Wall Street Journal or the Economist, are
filled with telecommunications-related stories and analyses, but these naturally
focus on the "big picture." Some of my recent experiences, I think,
can offer an additional perspective on other facets of the telecommunications
industry, and on the business trends that are driving this industry. My
travel logs generally come from the ground up, showing the end results of
high-level corporate decisions that change the way business communications
are accomplished within the enterprise.
Hong Kong (Oct. 1 to 6)
Hong Kong was host to a week-long event called "LAN-WAN Asia,"
which brought together experts in the field of telecommunications to present
and discuss current local and wide area network technology and application
development. When a scheduled speaker was forced to cancel from the frame
relay forum, I was asked to fill in as well as to host a day-long workshop
on frame relay applications and technology. Wide area networking technology,
and the current status of the technology deployment, attracted widespread
interest at the conference (just as it is currently doing in Japan). Particularly
hot topics were frame relay (because it is generally available now) and
asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) as an emerging WAN protocol. ATM is still
a couple of years away from public availability, but carriers are testing
the protocol as a backbone transport option. As larger fiber systems, such
as the TransPacific-5 (TPC-5), become available, carriers will begin to
migrate their existing diverse circuits to LA (such as 256K bps for frame,
64K bps for packet switching, and voice leased lines) onto one large bandwidth
"pipe" to promote greater efficiencies for international connections.
ATM will handle all digital protocols, including voice, X25, and frame relay,
by encapsulating them in ATM cells for rapid transport over the international
Many conference attendees were concerned that ATM would render frame relay
obsolete in the near term. That concern was answered by the panelists with
the assurance that not all users, nor carriers, will require the bandwidth
needed to enjoy the efficiencies of ATM; frame relay will continue to be
a powerful "sub" backbone protocol for the foreseeable future.
Frame relay can also be seen as an access protocol to ATM: ATM will encapsulate
all data, including frame relay packets, into the ATM protocol for transport
over the network. The consensus of the conference was that it is best not
to wait for international ATM, but rather to deploy frame relay now and
then upgrade or feed into ATM as the ATM high-speed backbone becomes available.
My portion of the show was to first give a luncheon keynote address on the
recent global carrier alliances (WorldPartners, Concert, Sprint/France Telecom/Deutsch
Telekom), and then an all-day workshop on frame relay in conjunction with
a colleague from Sprint's Sydney office. Although the workshop that we put
together was billed as a current update on global frame relay innovation
and deployment, the knowledge level and experience of the attendees turned
out to be not as extensive as expected. The workshop ended up being a basic
day-long tutorial on the concept of frame relay and how the technology is
best used in the corporate environment.
Back in Tokyo (reflections)
I've noticed some big differences in the attitudes of LAN users among different
countries and corporate environments over the past couple of years. Japanese
multinational users, for example, are willing to discuss networking (both
LAN and WAN), but they are generally hesitant and unsure of the technology
and deployment of networking technologies within their corporate environment.
I recall a recent conversation with a frustrated employee of a large Japanese
multinational who explained to me that his company had recently purchased
a divisional LAN based on Sun SPARCstations. Now this is a robust, powerful,
and expensive solution to a data networking requirement. Having used a similar
system in a previous job, I immediately became excited about the potential
of such a system, and wanted to know as much as possible about the applications
the company had migrated to the LAN.
The answer both surprised and deeply depressed me. The reality was that,
once the network was installed, the MIS department went back to their normal
jobs and routines, while the potential system users dutifully covered the
workstations in plastic and went on about their normal business.
Appalled, I asked, "do you mean these powerful workstations are not
in use at all?" My friend answered that, well, a few of the secretaries
were using the workstations for wordprocessing. . . . He also mentioned
that he was shopping around for a new job.
I don't mean to imply that all (or even most) Japanese multinationals are
incapable of using network technology. While there may be an inordinately
large percentage of companies in Japan who are slow in adopting new networking
technologies, there are plenty of companies that have not only adopted powerful
LAN/WAN networking solutions, but who are even pushing the edge and driving
the technologies. NTT, in particular, has cells of extremely dedicated,
almost possessed, visionaries and engineers intent on propelling the Japanese
telecommunications industry to the forefront of the information age. While
I am sometimes critical of (and often disappointed by) the state of networking
technology in Japan, I have utmost respect for the many dedicated engineers
whom I encounter in my day-to-day activities.
Within the Asia-Pacific, the contrast to Japanese attitude is most visible
in Hong Kong. Where a Japanese MIS manager will often bring the "show
me and prove the technology" attitude to a meeting concerning upgrading
or improving network technologies, Hong Kong MIS folks generally come to
meetings having already done their homework. Many of the people I meet in
Hong Kong know as much about my job as I do, and the direction of the meetings
is more on the lines of, "How can you get the technology and connectivity
to me today, using these parameters and configurations?"
I find it exciting to be pushed, pressured, and forced into delivering new
technology, products, and services on the WAN. Hong Kong has been a much
more active location in the deployment of sophisticated conferencing systems,
EDI, store-and-forward applications, and (of course) TCP/IP.
While there is not quite the same aggressive level of activity seen in Hong
Kong, Australia and New Zealand are also very aggressive in general acceptance
and deployment of LAN/WAN-based internal/external data communications and
enterprise applications. And once infrastructure development in other Southeast
Asian countries, such as Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia, catches up to
the needs of the many multinational countries building factories and business
ventures, watch for a new "feeding frenzy" of communciations activity.
Once inexpensive, reliable communications infrastructure in the developing
countries catches up to the needs of industry, not only will current communications
be greatly enhanced, but it will enable development and deployment of more
radical change within the company, where the management finds even more
ways to exploit the communications backbone capability of existing systems.
This will open up even more requirements for education, general information
literacy, and all the other pieces of the big picture needed to make a leading-edge,
efficient company advance and succeed.
On NH906, from Beijing to Tokyo (Oct. 23)
Last Wednesday, I had plans to spend this weekend in Tokyo preparing for
a business trip to Taipei and Kuala Lumpur. I was going to have the opportunity
to "talk" Internet to several different groups, an activity I
truly enjoy. Late Wednesday night, though, I received an emergency plea
for assistance demonstrating Internet capabilities in Beijing for a government
China is wrestling with the challenge of deploying its own information highway.
Stay at any hotel in Beijing, and you'll have a chance to rub shoulders
with representatives of most of the major international carriers, switch
manufacturers, and applications vendors. China is acutely aware of the need
to quickly develop its domestic communications infrastructure and is seeking
the help of international vendors to get them through the initial phase.
Just as important, China recognizes the need to collaterally create an education
system capable of promoting information literacy and competence. Accomplishing
widespread education while not having a communications infrastructure in-place
is opening up many new opportunities, not only in the technology vendor
business, but also in the education services business.
I find working with the Chinese an immense pleasure. During those times
when I have needed to "roll up my sleeves" and get into some serious
hands-on work, the Chinese have been some of the best students I have ever
had. Many Chinese have enough knowledge of what is happening on the information
highway outside of their borders so that they feel an obsession to vacuum
the knowledge of anybody willing to teach them. The Chinese I have worked
with from Beijing and Shanghai have been some of the most dedicated, intelligent,
practical, and hardest workers I have ever met. It is impossible to foresee
the political and economic future of China, but if the people I have met
are a good indicator of the average capability of Chinese engineers, technicians,
and managers, the country has an incredibly bright future.
From Kuala Lumpur (Oct. 29)
After three days in Taiwan, my feelings towards Hong Kong are starting to
flash back. While a much smaller country than Japan, Taiwan has been able
to make a big mark in the technology and data processing world. With companies
such as Acer providing OEM computer components to about half the world,
Taiwan is clearly a big factor to deal with in technology development and
application deployment.
In communications ó specifically, Internet communications ó
Taiwan currently accounts for nearly as much traffic transiting the US NSFNet
backbone as Japan. As a somewhat politically isolated country, Taiwan is
accustomed to fighting for its economic and political existence. The government
sees communications and information infrastructure development as an essential
part of Taiwan's struggle for independence and social survival.
After spending two days talking to a variety of people from both the commercial
sector and the government, I am convinced that Taiwan is attempting to align
all sectors to promote a common goal of a powerful national information
infrastructure. Many of the people I talked to indicated their willingness
to go outside of their own country's resources to gather a core of information
literate academics and business folk to act as a catalyst to ensure this
project's success. One way they are attempting to accomplish this is by
recruiting expatriate Taiwanese who have emigrated and gone through the
education system and corporate socialization of Western nations such as
the UK, US, France, and Germany, where information technology literacy is
generally higher than in Taiwan.
On NH002 to Washington, DC
There is just no way to escape the burgeoning interest in the Internet.
Shortly after arriving in Malaysia, I picked up a copy of the local New
Straits Times. One of the stories was a four-page description of how the
Malaysian Institute of Microelectronic Systems was delivering Internet to
both the academic/research community and the public. Although there are
still only around 1,000 public users throughout the country, Malaysia is
keen on promoting Internet use, and is trying to figure the best way to
provide it to the Malaysian public.
The article's author, Ruby Khoo, quite elegantly described the challenge
that new users face while attempting their first experiences on the Internet.
"There is no substitute for being interactive on the Internet. So,
drive, scroll, and execute your paces through the net. Like driving in Malaysia,
it takes courage, experience, and skill to navigate the disorganized data
or dialog banks of the net. But the more you drive, the more you find, and
the faster you'll get around [and] know where you 're going, and know how
to get there." Ruby is obviously no newcomer to the Internet.
I had the opportunity to present an introduction and overview of the Internet
to a large group of Internet hopefuls in Kuala Lumpur. I used a generic
presentation provided by the Internet Society. After finishing the Internet-specific
portion of my presentation, though, we opened the floor for a general question
and answer session. To my surprise, and much like in my recent visit to
Taiwan, the technology was not the primary interest of the attendees. The
people in Kuala Lumpur acknowledged that the Internet is currently a great
way to easily communicate domestically and around the world, but their interest
was more focused on how Malaysia could best build an information literacy
infrastructure to take advantage of information technologies ó not
this year, but for years down the road.
Topics like the K-12 programs in the US and Europe, community computing,
and other user education programs were of great interest to the group. Of
course, commercial industry use and deployment of networking technology
was important to them, and bringing the internetworking technology to the
general public as well as to commercial industry was an immediate concern,
but this group was thinking more strategically.
Again, a very enjoyable day for me. I got to do what I like to do best ó
talk about data communications, networking, and information literacy education
development. What else could I ask for?
John Savageau is director, Asia-Pacific Operations, Sprint International.
He can be reached via the Internet as