As the in-house computer support person [for the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan], I read Computing Japan monthly and find it a real joy to read. The articles are insightful, practical, and informative.

Patrick Zanoni, Tokyo

I enjoy reading The Query Column greatly and look forward to every issue. Unfortunately, Mr. Caldwell's recent response on encryption vs. privacy [in CJ:Mail, October, page 6] confuses an important point.

Mr. Caldwell correctly notes that police must obtain a search warrant to enter and search a house. However, with encryption of data, the issue is fundamentally different. If data is well encrypted, even if the police obtain a warrant, they will not be able to read it. If the person in question is (for example) a North Korean agent trying to smuggle a nuclear weapon into New York City, this is a terrifying thought.

On this issue, libertarians invariably mention the dangers posed by repressive governments but ignore the real dangers to life and liberty posed by terrorists. The tragedies of Oklahoma City, the World Trade Center, and (most likely) TWA 800 demonstrate this danger beyond dispute.

I, too, welcome the possibility of electronic commerce enabled by legal uses of encryption. The international spread of strong encryption may be inevitable, but it is critical not to ignore the dangers posed by this technology. The first time a terrorist successfully uses it to plan and coordinate an attack, we will suddenly have fewer libertarians and more people clamoring for protection. But then, it will be too late.

Eric Krock, Tokyo

I have been following your magazine for over a year now, and must say it has kept improving. Keep up the good work! I have been buying various copies, and my school has just sent in a subscription.

We also ordered a number of back issues, but were disappointed to find some were out of stock. There is one article I would especially like to get: the one on installing Win95 English and Japanese on the same computer in your December '95 issue. Is it possible to download this article (and others)?

Gwyn Underwood, Sendai

To answer your question: Yes, the articles from all issues of Computing Japan are online (and keyword searchable) on our website. The three most recent issues are accessible to subscribers only but all other back issues are available free to the public at You'll find the article you've asked about ("Ensuring Peaceful Coexistence," December 1995) there.

If you want to put both English and Japanese Windows on the same computer, though, that article -- which was written when the Japanese-language version of Windows 95 was still in beta release, is outdated (though still workable). For three better solutions to setting up a bilingual (or multilingual) Windows 95 system, see instead our Help Desk columns on System Commander ("Installing Win95E and Win95J: A Better Solution," June 1996, page 45), WinBoot ("The Best English & Japanese Windows 95 Solution," August 1996, page 16), and PartitionMagic ("A Hard Disk Management (and Bilingual OS Installation) Solution," November 1996, page 16).


I think your magazine is first class. Looks and brains! Excellent cover color, paper, and finished uv coat.

Kurt Kumagai

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