Developing an integrated
computing environment
Computing Japan visits the Motoda Research Group, Advanced Research
Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.
Through a combination of research in artificial intelligence, probability
theory, linguistics, and computer architecture, a group of computer scientists
at Hitachi's Advanced Research Lab is working to develop a new type of integrated
computing environment.
by Steven Myers
Founded in 1985, in commemoration of Hitachi's 75th anniversary, the Advanced
Research Laboratory (ARL) carries out a diverse assortment of long-term,
basic research projects. The primary research areas of the lab include radiation/electron
beam physics, biotechnology, material science, and software science.
Hitachi ARL puts strong emphasis on multidisciplinary research, a policy
that is reflected in the diversity of projects and collaborations underway
there. The laboratory is also highly active in hosting foreign visiting
researchers (commonly 10 to 15 at any given time), and also sends its own
scientists to prestigious universities and research institutions overseas.
The facilities
The laboratory itself is located in a scenic wooded area in Hatoyama-machi,
Saitama prefecture. The physical environment is beautiful and inspiring,
and the lab facilities are excellent.
Computing Japan's visit to Hitachi ARL was arranged by senior engineer
Hiroshi Motoyama. He explained that, because ARL was established "before
the bubble era," the company was able to provide for a large physical
area and scenic surroundings that would be almost unimaginable today. Motoyama
went on to say that the lab currently operates on an annual budget of about
¥4 billion (1% of Hitachi's ¥400 billion total), an amount that
is "just right, in that it's enough to ensure the researchers have
everything they need, but not enough that they can afford to be wasteful
or inefficient."
We were given several detailed presentations and viewed demonstrations of
work carried out by a group of computer scientists led by Dr. Hiroshi Motoda,
a senior research scientist at the lab. Computing facilities for the software
science labs consist primarily of Sun SPARC servers and workstations, with
scattered NeXT machines. Although all of the scientists are given ample
working space, only the senior researchers such as Dr. Motoda have their
own rooms.
The software science section of the lab is organized into four major groups.
One focuses on programming and computation, while the other three investigate
such AI-related themes as machine learning, neural networks, and natural
language processing.
The Motoda Research Group
Dr. Motoda's group at ARL is actively investigating a wide range of AI-related
topics, with the aim of developing an integrated computing environment capable
of accurately filtering, extracting, and translating information according
to individual preferences. The underlying theme of this research, explains
Dr. Motoda, is "the support of intellectual activities by computers."
The system envisioned by the group would have the ability to search huge
collections of documents (such as those found on the World Wide Web), extract
pertinent articles, highlight relevant sections, translate the information
into the user's desired language, and adjust future search criteria according
to the documents the user selects. Additionally, the user should be able
to search for documents not only by keyword, but also by graphics -- such
that a search on one picture would return documents containing similar or
related pictures.
Obviously, such a system requires highly advanced machine translation and
inductive learning functionality, as well as an extremely high-performance
hardware platform. Motoyama's team consists not only of AI researchers,
but also computer architecture experts in charge of building a large-memory
personal computer with the power to carry out these computation-intensive
The machine translation aspect of this project is particularly intriguing.
Special emphasis has been given to developing numerical techniques for examining
English words with multiple meanings, and choosing the correct meaning based
on the context in which the word appears. This process is sometimes referred
to as "disambiguation."
An example of the disambiguation technique is shown in the accompanying
figure. When the system encounters the word "suit," for example,
it first examines the surrounding terms and stores information about each
word based on its position within the sentence. This information is then
compared with that from many "training contexts" that have been
stored for all possible meanings of "suit." Thus, the appearance
of words such as "claims" or "court" within the same
sentence would signal the system that the suit in question is a lawsuit,
or soshou (ëiè), rather than an item of clothing.
System demonstrations
After a thorough presentation by Dr. Motoda covering the various facets
of the project, we were given a demonstration of the parts that had been
implemented thus far. First, Dr. Makoto Iwayama showed the document retrieval
system, which produced impressively accurate results searching on "key
documents" rather than key words. The system is able to scan a document,
assign it to one or more categories, then search through other documents
from the same categories in order to find related information.
By using this type of classification scheme as a "preprocessing"
mechanism, the search space is significantly reduced, resulting in much
faster retrieval. As one might expect, searches on articles related to popular
topics falling into clearly-defined categories produced much better results
than those on topics about which little has been written. Iwayama explains
that documents in the database are continuously re-categorized according
to what the user has previously selected as being relevant to his or her
Next, Dr. Ken-ichi Yoshida gave a brief presentation on his work with implementing
an intelligent and adaptive user interface. Yoshida's research centers around
using a directed graph to model relationships and dependencies between various
UNIX commands and their I/O operations. By assigning numerical weights to
these relationships, probabilities are calculated for predicting subsequent
commands used in carrying out a certain task, based on the initial command.
Yoshida believes that this type of prediction method will be useful in creating
a user interface that can make suggestions to a user for accomplishing various
tasks, based on that user's previous actions.
Finally, we were shown to the Motoda group's hardware lab, which is headed
by Dr. Atsuo Kawaguchi. In this lab, work is underway to create a personal
computer with 2GB of main memory -- the type of power necessary to implement
the integrated computing environment envisioned by the group. Kawaguchi
explained that he has built the computer from the ground up, and thus has
developed an intimate understanding of hardware and operating system issues.
The group has acquired the source code for BSD UNIX, and they recently succeeded
in getting this OS to run on their unique PC.
Future directions
Over the past two years, the Motoda group has published ten technical papers
detailing the various facets of their work. With so many different areas
of research integrated into a single project, however, it is difficult for
them to outline a detailed plan for the future.
Dr. Motoda says he expects the project to continue for another 10 years,
and notes that some of the technologies are already being implemented in
research labs. The most difficult parts of the project to implement, he
explains, are those related to autonomous learning and image-understanding
capability. Over the next year, though, the group plans to devote itself
primarily to developing and integrating extensive help functionality into
their system.
Contact Information:
Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory
Hatoyama, Saitama 350-03
Phone: (+81) 492-96-6111
Fax: (+81) 492-96-6006