I read with interest your article on Java in the June issue [Java Workshop: A Visual Java Solution for Japanese, June '98]. Good stuff! Articles like this are the reason I subscribe to CJ. Keep 'em coming! Your May issue covered localization, and several points were given to plan out the process [Staying in Control When Outsourcing: Software Localization, May '98]. One thing I might add, be sure to do your marketing homework before beginning the costly process of localization. I have seen many companies rush their English-language product to the localization process, and then wait for sales to take off. Often, sales won't follow sloppy market positioning, and any good localizer should tell you as much. Aim before you shoot. -- Amy J. Brower
Good point, Amy. Japanese markets are as challenging as any, and localization is but one step in a solid marketing approach. I am a Web architect new to Japan, and was wondering if there are any networking organizations in the Tokyo area. -- Sudhi Raghava
Yes, Sudhi, there is such an organization, and they have monthly meeting in Ebisu. Called CODE-J, they provide a forum for the open exchange of ideas and development tips for content creators, both professional and amateur. For more information about CODE-J go to http: //www.codej.org, or email chrisp@gol.com. |