September 1998
Vol. 5, No. 7

IT Salaries
The IT industry is a world of rapid change, but are salaries keeping up? CJ takes a look at the market in Japan.

by John Boyd

Recruiting IT Specialists
Despite a lagging Japanese economy, the IT recruiting business is booming. CJ looks at trends, resources and costs involved in recruiting IT staff.

by John Dodd

Patent Law
Creators of new computer technologies want patent protection for their innovations. But some Japanese patent laws are having to play catch-up with the computer industry. In part one of a two-part series, we look at strategies available for securing patent rights domestically and internationally.

by Karl Ruping

Doing Banking On The Internet
Sure, it's convenient, but can financial institutions convince the public t hat it's secure?

by Tom Sato

Domain Names
Rules for registering a domain name on the Internet can vary from country to country. Here's a primer on what it all means.

by Jim Weisser

Editor's Page

What the Japanese Are Reading
A glance inside some Japanese computer magazines

by Yuh Nagano

Industry News
Current Japanese IT market news and views

The Query Column
Serious computer users' summer vacations

by Thomas Caldwell

The Digital Forest
Shopping online in Japan

by Forest Linton

BCN Market Overview
Japan's hardware and software sales trends

In My Opinion
The costs of computer support services

by Tim Romero

Industry Eye
Creating customer loyalty in the IT industry

by John Boyd