Back in America, more than a few people are stocking up on canned food and
bottled water and will be heading for the hills on the eve of the millennium.
Talking heads are predicting that computer problems will result in every calamity
short of plagues of locust. Here in Japan, however, we see the opposite extreme.
There is a general sense that, while perhaps something more could be done, if
we all buy new computers and don't ask too many questions, everything will be
all right.
Both positions represent utter nonsense, of course. Yet,
they both stem from the same misconception - that the Y2K
problem is a computer problem. Y2K is most emphatically NOT
a computer problem. It is a risk-management problem and, for
small- and mid-size businesses, a rather simple one. Yet it
seems that no one really wants to see things that way.
In America, most Y2K coverage amounts to little more than
writers seeking important electronic systems and speculating
wildly about what would happen if these systems suddenly failed.
It is a rare writer indeed who actually attempts to verify
that the risk is significantly larger than zero and a rarer
one still who attempts to quantify it.
The Japanese government's primary response to the Y2K issue
has been to send out vague, voluntary surveys to businesses
about what types of computers they use and the state of their
Y2K compliance. On several occasions, government officials
responsible for these surveys have stated that since Japanese
offices rely more heavily on stand-alone computers, Y2K will
be less of a problem here. The number of computers that will
crash on January 1, 2000, will be a useless measure of the
extent of the problem. Granted, we may have hundreds of thousands
of computers crashing across the nation on that day, and that
will be significantly more than the tens of thousands that
normally crash every day, but the question that needs to be
asked is how will these failures affect business's ability
to operate, how much said failures will cost, and what can
be done to reduce the impact?
The goal of a corporate Y2K-readiness program should not
be to make sure that all the equipment in the enterprise is
Y2K compliant. The goal is to minimize the amount of money
that Y2K issues will cost the organization. That is the only
goal. Now, if the best way of achieving that goal is to ensure
that all your electronic systems and those of your suppliers
are 100% compliant, that's fine. However, that is only one
approach, and it is an expensive and less than comprehensive
one. Even if you have programmers evaluate every line of code
in every software program your company uses, you still would
not know if you were Y2K compliant. Programmers make mistakes,
and I've heard that bugs do occasionally slip into software.
Besides, in many cases, attempting to certify that every piece
of equipment and software is Y2K compliant would be far more
expensive than allowing some systems to fail.
So how much is the Y2K problem going to cost? It's impossible
to estimate the worldwide cost of Y2K-related failures, but
the worldwide cost of Y2K readiness efforts is estimated to
come in at over $600 billion. That is about $100 for every
man, woman, and child on the planet. It's enough money to
buy every citizen of Europe, America, and Japan a new PC or
iMac and still have millions left over to give to Russia to
help them finish Y2K testing their nuclear warheads. Even
this mind-boggling large sum, however, pales in comparison
to the expected costs of Y2K-related litigation. Estimates
for this vary widely, but many place it over $1 trillion.
That's right - the cost of litigation will most likely far
exceed the cost of actually fixing the problems, and as such,
litigation is a far larger part of the Y2K problem than are
computer failures.
The saving grace for us here in Japan is that almost all
of this legal action will take place in the United States.
There is irony in this, and it defies all common wisdom. When
viewed properly, it seems that the Y2K problem will be much
less severe in Japan than it will be in America. Granted,
far fewer systems will fail in the US, but the inconveniences
experienced are likely to be greater in Japan. However, the
total cost of the Y2K problem, which is to say the severity
of the Y2K problem, will probably be much, much lower in Japan.
Next month, we will cover the specific steps that need to
be taken to get your enterprise ready for the next millennium,
and I think many will be amazed at how simple the process
really is when Y2K is viewed as the risk-management problem
it is.
Vanguard KK, has developed Y2K-COPE. Y2K-COPE is free software
that can greatly assist in the process of locating potential
Y2K-related problems and developing contingency plans for
them. Those who wish to get started right away - which should
include all readers who have not already started - can download
Despite what you are hearing in the press, there is still
time to get ready. Next month, I'll explain how.
Tim Romero writes on Internet and software development
issues. He can be reached at