Probation: How to Survive – Part One

Almost every company in Japan has a probation period for new mid-career employees (versus college grads, who are tolerated more). For experienced people, this period represents nothing more than an opportunity to weigh up the new employer and decide whether to stay or not. However, for those new to the country and its culture, or switching careers, the probation period is...


Allocating Your Energy According to Goals

It is a truism for those of us not blessed with genius that we can usually only get ahead on sheer sweat and will power. Thus, one's success beyond that of our peers becomes a measure of how much more effort we put in to the job - or does it? If we follow this logic, due to the fact that in Japan many people work...


From the Trenches – Getting into Japan with AIESEC

One way to come to Japan, especially for younger readers, is on a global placement program. There are a number of such programs, such as AFS, Rotary, or AIESEC - all of which aim to foster international understanding by helping students and/or young adults study and/or work overseas. The programs are easy to find on the web and do a good job of explaining their raison...


From the Trenches – DP: Part Two

Since starting to work in a Japanese language-only office one year ago, with only conversational level Japanese I've learnt a good deal of day-to-day office Japanese as well as come to better understand the mentality of Japanese business practice. Like many things, the first few weeks were the most difficult. However, once I had learnt the basics of what was...


From the Trenches – DP: Part One

I thought this week and next, it would be interesting to hear from someone who has overcome the odds, and found work not only outside Tokyo, but also in a Japanese company without having a degree in the language. Basically DP has come up with some great strategies for making progress in a very different business world than the one he...


Japan Entry Program – Part Three

So now, NL is about 19 or 20, and she has been working for a Japanese design firm as a virtual slave for the last 18 to 24 months. This is the real test of physical and mental strength. I find that most people move from the honeymoon period to literally hating Japan within the first two years. Take my word for it, if you stick things out for longer than 2 years, and if...


Japan Entry Program – Part Two

Some regular readers will be getting sick of my message about the fact that ALL foreigners arriving in Japan need to take time to learn Japanese. But the reality is that the competition for jobs for foreigners has been heating up ever since the government opened up the country to Chinese students some years ago (peaking at 70,000+ students in 2003, but down in 2004 after the murders of a Fukuoka family...


Japan Entry Program - Part One

This is a letter I received from a reader in Canada, and is typical of many I receive requesting a cook-book approach to getting to Japan and finding work. So, keep in mind that this "recipe" is for low-cost entry, dedication to learning the language, and the commitment to build a career, while you are presently unskilled...


Interview Technique - Part Two

Once you're well rehearsed on what you're going to say in an interview, you can focus on your interaction with an interviewer. Body language is a key feedback mechanism, and will help you change the pitch and tempo of your interaction. Sales people and managers with a sales background learn naturally to read the other...


Interview Technique - Part One

While you spend as much time as you can on polishing up your resume, the final decider in whether or not you land a job is your interview. Most companies have a standard for personnel interaction which if you meet, then even if you are a bit under qualified for the job you may still be...

