Exclusive Interview: The German Chamber of Commerce

German FlagBy Sarah Noorbakhsh -- We talk to Manfred Hoffman, Executive Director -- The chamber performs three specific functions. In addition to the original function of a chamber, we also consider ourselves a service provider for German companies trying to access the Japanese market. Our staff of 30 employees provides info and support for small and medium, both member and nonmember, businesses.


Measure for Measure

Compiled by Ken Worsley -- Hard information on selected economic sectors and industries -- Automotive -- Consumer Electronics -- Mobile Telephony


Retail Focus: Sony Plaza

Sony PlazaBy Sarah Noorbakhsh -- Sony Plaza is one of the surprisingly understated leaders in this foreign fetish movement -- While the streets of Tokyo are well known as international hunting grounds for the next big trends, the eyes of Japan’s youth have for decades been, ironically, focused overseas, as teens and young adults peruse magazines featuring fashionistas from Paris and New York while clutching mobile phones adorned with Mickey and Winnie the Pooh. And no matter how popular Harajuku Girls and anime may be abroad, Japanese lifestyles are littered with echoes of Europe and the Americas.


Seeing the Light

Eco First LogoBy Scott Cavanaugh -- What are Japanese companies doing to change the earth? -- When the Kyoto Protocol was adopted in December 1997, Japan instantly became one of the leaders in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. During that time, the Japanese government, along with many Japanese corporations, publicized sweeping changes that would be enacted to counter the negative effects of the previous 150 years of industrial activity. The idea was that Japan, with its eco-friendly ideas, would become the envy of the other industrialized nations. But this has not become reality.


No Longer Lost in Translation

Kanji ReaderBy Gavin Blair -- Innovative new device to help with language barriers -- Every foreigner in Japan has encountered the same brick wall at some time or another—the unknown kanji character. It could be a key word in a newspaper article, an important phrase in a business document or an instruction on a form, but the snag of even a few small kanji may render an entire sentence or paragraph unintelligible.


Executive Interview: Japan Housing Finance Agency

President Seiichi ShimadaSeiichi ShimadaBy Sarah Noorbakhsh -- J@pan Inc talks with President Seiichi Shimada about the current state of Japan’s housing and real estate markets -- Once a government organization, in April 2007 the Japan Housing Finance Agency (JHF) was established as an Incorporated Administrative Agency under then Prime Minister Koizumi’s plan to privatize government services. The organization is now the first to offer Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) in Japan.


The Silver Market Phenomenon

Illustration of elderly people shoppingBy Dr Florian Kohlbacher and Dr Cornelius Herstatt -- The aging society and its market potential -- The current shift in demographics around the world, with increasingly aging and shrinking populations, presents a major challenge to companies and societies alike.


Fresh Approach

Winning TeamWinning Team from JMEC 14By Beckie Cassidy -- Bringing a new set of eyes to companies looking to improve their business in Japan -- Developing a viable business plan for the Japanese market can be a daunting task for foreign companies unfamiliar with the local market and culture. With a set of challenges specific to the nation, incorrect assumptions can prove disastrous. While businesses work to develop their own plans, they often remain oblivious to fresh and innovative strategies that students at business schools are developing, possibly even for their own companies.


The Gangster’s Castle

Yakuza: Property DisputeBy Brett Bull -- The bizaar case of yakuza, property rights and fraud -- Given Tokyo’s well-earned reputation as a metropolis of concrete, vacant lots typically do not stay empty for long. But the 3,800-square-meter site halfway between Roppongi Hills and Tokyo Midtown might remain fenced off and covered with dirt for some time.


Subprime, Year Two: A silver lining for Japan?

By Brad Frischkorn -- Taking a look at Japan’s survival after the subprime disaster -- Now entering its second full year, the global banking industry meltdown continues to messily unravel on the back of the subprime mortgage market collapse. While Japan Inc has avoided the worst of the mess, the nation’s financial industry has not been left unharmed. However, any silver lining, if indeed there is one, may still look better from Tokyo than from abroad.

