TT-611 -- Gillard Sends Right Message at Minami Sanriku, e-biz news from Japan

Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, paid a visit to the tsunami devastated town of Minami Sanriku.




This Editorial provides a special tribute to Japan and her people for their strength of character, discipline, and resilience in the face of adversity and disaster. It also chronicles the actions taken by JHRS to respond to the crisis and discusses the ways Japan HR professionals can do their share in Japan's national rebuilding.

TT-610 -- Alternatives to Summer Power Cuts, e-biz news from Japan

Around 160GW/hrs could potentially be saved by turning vending machines off just during August.


TT-609 -- Looking for Business After a Disaster, e-biz news from Japan

Estimates are that the Japan will spend around JPY25trn to re-establish communities and businesses.


TT-608 -- Disasters and Weakness of Manufacturing Monopolies, e-biz news from Japan

Just-in-Time production, single suppliers, and monopolies do not work well with natural disasters.
