TT-762 -- The Race to Free WiFi, e-biz news from Japan

Although there is a massive wifi grid throughout Japan (more than 600,000 access points), the ability for international visitors to access it easily is limited.


TT-761 -- What's Wrong with the LDP's New "Japan Revival Vision" Manifesto? Ebiz news from Japan.

If you read the media, you would think that Japan is turning the corner. But when you talk to other business people in the street about business here and now, the story is not so bright.


TT-760 -- Crowdfunding Kids Through Foreign College, ebiz news from Japan.

A professor suggested that student loans be structured in a crowdfunding approach, where investors "buy" a share of the students earnings for a specific time at a defined and mutually agreed rate of revenue share.


TT-759 -- Is it Safe to Eat Fukushima Veges Again? E-biz news from Japan.

Last week, significantly, the Singapore government announced that with a few exceptions, the restrictions on food being imported from Japan are being lifted.


TT-758 -- Master Plans to Move Japan into Soft Engineering. E-biz news from Japan.

The Japanese government is now plotting a future course based on software/content and soft (tissue) engineering. If really happening, it will create all kinds of opportunities for start-ups both local and inbound.
