TT-848 (Tourism Edition) -- Adventure Tourism is One Way to Unlock Regional Economies

One reason I got into the inbound travel business after the 3/11 earthquake was the desire to do something socially meaningful after having experienced how easily a disaster can disrupt our lives.



TT-847 -- Unemployment Disease as a Foreigner in Japan. E-biz news from Japan.

Japan's recessions are not tied to the employment numbers in the same way as they are in the West. Rather, there are deeper systemic problems caused by cultural and demographic problems here.


TT-846 (Tourism Edition) -- How "Food Memories" Bring Travelers to Japan

A Surrey University paper discusses the concept of "food memories" and how past experience with a food significantly affects a tourist's attitude towards trying it again.



TT-845 -- Sharp: How Not to Sell a Company in Japan. E-biz news in Japan.

Mr. Terry Gou, the CEO of Foxconn Technology Group (also known as Honhai) signed a JPY389bn deal to take control of Sharp, one of Japan's bedrock electronics firms.
