TT-971 (Tourism Edition) -- Pointless Inbound Marketing Campaigns

About two years ago I spied a marketing technology trade show over in the Tokyo International Forum, and decided to check out the latest methods for pushing your stuff.





TT-970 -- Imploding "One-Man-Shacho" Listed Companies, e-biz News from Japan

A listed Gym operator called Rizap announced that it faces a JPY7bn loss due to bad M&A deals. We started researching this company and found that it checks all the boxes for rampant spending byan out-of-control CEO.


TT-969 (Tourism Edition) -- Is the Japanese Inbound Tourism Boom Coming to an End?

My take is that the levels of growth experienced over the last five years are indeed coming to an end. The market is maturing and our repeat visitors will continue coming and spending more strategically.



TT-968 -- Off-shoring for Small Companies in Japan - What's Possible? Ebiz news from Japan

If you are a company owner or manager in Japan, what do you do to deal with the worker shortage? Options: Automate with robots and software, reorganize the business so that you need less workers, dabble in the gig economy.
