TT-391 -- JAC does IPO, ebiz news from Japan

In Japan's recruiting world, apart from the 800lb gorilla called Recruit, there really isn't any company that has bridged the various disciplines of the industry. Instead, success for those companies which have gone public has come from specializing in a particular skill area. There are the temp staffing agents, the online job boards, the outplacement agencies, and as of this week, the real McCoy -- executive and personnel placement.


GW-252 -- Desktop PC, Navigation System, LCD TV

The Gist: Whether you want to call Sharp's "Internet AQUOS"
an LCD TV with a computer or a computer with an LCD TV is
your choice. Sharp has decided to categorize it as the former.

JIN-384 -- Reflections On the Nikkei's Rankings of Most Livable Tokyo Quarters for Foreigners

The Nikkei survey reveals Japanese believe foreigners find Azabu-Hiroo the most livable quarter of Tokyo and the Shitamachi among the least livable.

TT-390 -- Awakers Inc., ebiz news from Japan

Several weeks ago, one of our readers made the comment that while we have been commenting on firms doing IPO's, it would be nice to hear about a firm that is still on the way. We thought it would be a good idea to interview some Japanese CEOs of promising companies, and try to understand some of the thinking and opportunities that lie before them in their rush to an IPO.


GW-251 -- Rock an' Roll with ZMP's miuro

The miuro is a two-wheeled audio player that rolls around playing music for you.

JIN-383 -- It's a Boy

Princess Kiko gives birth to a boy, but at least one Japanese is no fan of the Imperial Family.

WW-156 -- KDDI Goes on the Offensive to Keep Subscribers

KDDI's impressive rollout of new services and handsets is sure to provoke a quick response from DoCoMo and Vodafone / Softbank.

TT-389 -- Mixi and SNS phenomenon, ebiz news from Japan

For those of us still struggling to use our cell phones and PCs, there is a whole new world of Internet activity and interaction going on that we will have to stay up with if we want to sell online to anyone under the age of 30. One of these hot new business sectors is that of Social Network Services (SNS), which lets millions of people find new friends and relationships online by matching profiles and forming groups.


GW-250 -- Toshiba's REGZA H2000 Series Is Chock-a-block With Features of the Digital TV revolution

Features include a double tuner, allowing you to watch terrestrial digital and analog broadcasts at the same, and an Electronic Programming Guide, which will, for example, automatically adjust the recording if a baseball game runs over.
