TT-714 -- Employees: Breaking Up is Hard to Do. E-biz news from Japan

Economists reckon that 10% of employees (about 4.5m people) in Japanese companies are redundant, and if they could, companies would let that many go in order to increase productivity.


TT-713 -- Do You Really Need an Office in Japan? E-biz news from Japan.

Japan Inc. Holdings assists foreign companies to set up in Japan, assisting with a wide range of situations, challenges, and solutions, so that the client's foreign head office management feel that they are in control.


TT-712 -- JA is the Problem, Not Farmers. Ebiz news from Japan

There are a number of lobby groups in Japan that have been trying to hold back TPP, among them the medical, education, insurance, and legal sectors, but the one group with the greatest sway over TPP is the farming lobby.



TT-711 -- Who Will Survive in Print? E-biz news from Japan

Tuesday, June 26th, 2013, marks our final issue of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan magazine, the ACCJ Journal, published since 2008 by Japan Inc. Communications.


TT-710 -- Will Abenomics Work? Ebiz news from Japan

In light of the daily onslaught of "feel good" news about Abenomics, those of us in business are starting to wonder when all the positive commentary will translate into actual improved sales and earnings in our own teams.


TT-709 -- All About + Tie-up, e-biz news from Japan

All About Inc., has tied up with Metropolis publisher Japan Partnership Inc., and software company MetroWorks, to co-publish the site.



TT-708 -- Safety and Money - It's All Relative. E-biz news in Japan

This week we thought we'd cover a number of issues relating to safety and how the bigger the problems, the bigger the fudging that goes on to reconcile the solutions with their attendant costs.


TT-707 -- Online Games Challenges for GREE, ebiz news from Japan

GREE spent US$104m in April 2011 to buy out a US games platform operator called OpenFeint. The OpenFeint platform wasn't particularly well built.


TT-706 -- Cool Japan May Not Be So Cool After All. E-biz news from Japan.

The job of the "Cool Japan" fund will be to promote Japanese content, high-status food, and cultural products abroad, and to presumably encourage people to travel to Japan and try them here as well.


TT-705 -- Dangers of Japan's Quantitative Easing Plans, e-biz news from Japan

Under the influence of PM Shinzo Abe, the Bank of Japan declared its new strategy for fighting deflation. The bank said it would embark on its own version of America's Quantitative Easing (QE) program.

