JIN-486 -- Voters call for economic salvation before election

The popularity of Taro Aso's cabinet has already started sinking and if a new opinion poll speaks the truth, it looks like the LDP will have to inject a bit of hope into the economy, before an election is called. Read Now

Terrie's Job Tips -- Information Security – Part Two: Commonly Asked Questions

Until recently, Japan has not been particularly serious about personal information and security of that information. Part of the reason was because people trusted each other, and another part was because even if someone did get their hands on a personal information list, the most they could do with it was to sell it to one of the underworld list brokers – something that the average person would never consider.


TT-489 -- Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself, ebiz news from Japan

With global fear and uncertainty leading to a plummeting Nikkei Index, we look at why Japan is so investment cautious, and what opportunities lay for those braver ones seeking to find a diamond within the ashes.


GW-317 -- The Hottest Gizmos and Gadgets from Japan

This week's Gadget Watch sees Nikon put out a really odd video-enabled headset. After that it's a look at the new Nintendo DSi, the market for 'netbooks' in Japan, and more.

Terrie's Job Tips -- Information Security – Part One: What Are Your Contacts Worth?

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and since the cash flow problems were for good reasons, i.e., high growth, I felt that cutting back on employees or job-related costs wasn’t the right answer. Further, since I wasn’t getting paid a salary most months, in order to help the cash flow, adjusting my costs would have had no effect either. Finally I came to realize that what I really needed was more sales during the down months, but at no extra cost to the firm. In other words, I personally had to get back out on the street and start creating some new revenue.


JIN-485 -- The shares keep tumbling and the fire sales continue

Japan's shares hit an almost five-year low Tuesday as the markets tumbled across the globe. But it's not all bad news following the Wall Street fallout, Japan's megabanks are smiling all the way to the... banks. Read Now

TT-488 -- Will Nomura Get Indigestion From its Lehman Purchase? Ebiz news from Japan

The purchase of the collapsed Lehman Brothers by Nomura was more for the benefit of gaining its highly skilled employees. But reports are coming in that the staff may not be as willing to stay as the conservative securities company may have hoped...


GW-316 -- The Hottest Gizmos and Gadgets from Japan

This week's Gadget Watch plays with toys including cameras and projectors - and the new color Tamagotchi!

WW-178 -- Targeting the PC-less with the AU BOX

Although one of the most high-tech countries in the world, there is still a surprisingly low number of people that own a PC at home. We look at the latest technology to help the PC-less get connected to cyber space.

JIN-484 -- When the dust settles on Wall Street, can Japan step in?

As the carnage continues in the financial sector, Japan's megabanks have re-emerged on Wall Street. But will their marriage with the likes of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley work? Read Now
