JIN-463 -- China rights spotlight

Anti-China sentiment has been erupting all over the world. Most criticism focuses on the issues of civil and political rights. How fair and how productive is this approach? What is the view from Japan? Read Now

TT-467 -- Taking it slow during Golden Week, ebiz news from Japan

The long holiday Japanese traditionally have looked forward to, Golden Week, just isn't as "golden" as it used to be. This week Terrie takes a look at the various factors contributing to this holiday lull. Read Now


GW-296 -- The Hottest Gizmos and Gadgets from Japan

This week's Gadget Watch looks at new Pioneer wireless
headphones, the latest Sanyo water-resistant Xacti movie cam,
Japan's most expensive mobile phone, and a few short items.

JIN-462 -- Uniforms and Uniformity

Japanese dress codes and uniforms are often criticized by modern observers for stifling individuality. However, looked at another way, uniforms are also a source for counter cultures to turn authority on its head and reclaim expression in a unique and individual manner. Read Now

Terrie's Job Tips -- What Happens When You’re Out of Work?

Although I usually refrain from making comments about issues related to law, not least of which because I’m not a lawyer, there are some questions that come up over and over, and are clearly relevant to a lot of people. Today’s issue is about what happens to your visa status, or more accurately, your Status of Residence (SOR), if you lose your job. Also, does it matter whether you were fired or left of your own free will?


TT-466 -- Buying favor from the Gods, ebiz news from Japan

Taking a look at Japan's "Hatsumode economy;" how much are blessings worth to temple and shrine visitors? Religion can be a booming--and tax free-- business. Read Now


GW-295 -- The Hottest Gizmos and Gadgets from Japan

This week's Gadget Watch picks up the new Nikon Coolpix P80, the DoCoMo F884i, and the Corega CG-1SGT 1-seg tuner. Plus: a peek into NEC's cell phone manufacturing secrets.

MMW-120 -- RIAJ Releases 2007 Figures, Mobile Still Going Strong

On April 3, the Record Industry Association of Japan officially
released the 'RIAJ Yearbook 2008,' its annual roundup of sales
figures, statistics and trends from the previous year.

JIN-461 -- Please take one

In the highly competitive and constantly evolving world of marketing, free products are an old stand-by that is constantly being reinvented to keep advertising information in the peripheral vision of consumers. How does this industry play out in Japan? Read New

Terrie's Job Tips -- Company Trips

One of the unique rituals of working for a Japanese company, especially a smaller founder/owner company, is that of the company trip. Often when a company has been doing well, and if the owner is in good spirits, he/she will spring for a trip for a division or the whole firm to go to an onsen (hot spring), or sometimes further afield (Hawaii and Hong Kong are also popular foreign destinations). Typically the company will pay all travel, accommodation, meals, drink, and scheduled entertainment – including any rounds of golf or visits to local attractions.

