FW-100 -- Happy Hundredth: Radical Frugality and More

First of all, please help me celebrate a bit - we've finally reached issue No. 100! Maybe you're a new subscriber, and this is the first issue of Frugal Watch you've ever read. Maybe you've been with me since the beginning (March 13, 2004 - in case you're curious). Whatever the case - here's a cheery 'kanpai' to this not-so-shabby accomplishment...

JIN-399 -- Year of the BoSox

2007 dawned brilliant in the Kanto. I joined several thousand other people to watch the sun rise above a hill on the beach at Kamakura on the 1st.
All gazed, cameras poised, in anticipation of the ascension, and it arrived to a cacophony of oohs and aahs and whoops and wails from a spectating crowd in a netherworld of sake intoxication and sleep deprivation...

WW-159 -- Location-based Services

Starting in April 2007, the Japanese Government requires that all new third-generation mobile phones support position notification functionality using GPS. The latest 3G-models of the three carriers indeed all come with GPS. Time to take a look what location-based services are offered.

GW-266 -- Toshiba SD-H903A, Bluedot BTV-400K, mbco MBR0201A/S, Brother MPrint

The Gist: Toshiba is getting ready to release the first HD DVD recorder that fits inside of your PC: the "SD-H903A." It's unlikely that you'll actually see the drive actually marketed towards consumers by Toshiba, because you'll probably see it packaged as a product by Buffalo, I/O Data, or another OEM customer.

GW-265 -- Cyber Gadget USB FM Transmitter, Buffalo HDV-ROM2.4FB, Bandai Tamagotchi Music Fever

Cyber Gadget deals primarily in video game accessories, but they have just announced a slightly interesting new product called the "USB FM Transmitter." You're probably familiar with the concept of an FM transmitter, but just in case, here it is again: audio signals are broadcasted over FM frequencies.

MMW-107 -- Japanese Music File Sharing: a 2007 Update

Over the past few years, I've often been asked if file sharing - especially music file sharing - is as widespread in Japan as in the US and Europe. My answer has generally been something along the lines of 'it certainly exists here, but...

JIN-398 -- Japan's Year-End Blue Lights

Over the past several years more and more Japanese have been lighting up their homes at the end of the year. In my Yokohama neighborhood stars twinkle in windows, glowing Santa Clauses climb rope ladders up the sides of houses, snowmen illuminate paths to homes...

FW-99 -- The Holidays: How to Survive the Last Minute Crush

Yet, at the same time, I couldn't let another week go by without commenting on the year end holidays of Christmas and Japanese New Year's - a bank buster if I ever saw one. What with presents, cards, shipping expenses, holiday meals, decorations, parties, and events, it can be an expensive time of year. Especially now that there are only a few weeks left!
So, below please enjoy my Top Three Frugal Holiday Tips - guaranteed to save you a few minutes (or yen) this season...

JIN-397 -- The Education Debate: Reaching for a Classic

Speaking in defense of the revision of Clause 2 of the Basic Education Law, which calls for "Respect for tradition and culture, and love for the nation and land that nurtured them," at a meeting of the House of Councilors' Select Committee on Education on November 22, Bunmei Ibuki, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, said...

TT-404 -- 2006 in Review, ebiz news from Japan

2006 has been an eventful and productive year for business in Japan. This was the year that we marked the longest period of business expansion since War II, longer even, than the Izanagi boom in the mid-1960's. Being immersed in the noise and bustle which is Tokyo...

