For those of us still struggling to use our cell phones and PCs, there is a whole new world of Internet activity and interaction going on that we will have to stay up with if we want to sell online to anyone under the age of 30. One of these hot new business sectors is that of Social Network Services (SNS), which lets millions of people find new friends and relationships online by matching profiles and forming groups.
Features include a double tuner, allowing you to watch terrestrial digital and analog broadcasts at the same, and an Electronic Programming Guide, which will, for example, automatically adjust the recording if a baseball game runs over.
It is a well-known secret in our family that I am a Google otaku, orGoogle geek. As a translator by profession, I spend many hours each week searching for obscure terminology and usage examples.
Back at the end of June (Terrie's Take 380), we carried a news item about a Dell laptop that exploded into flames at a conference here in Japan and which was caught on video.
Over time, it is likely that this new promotional tool will help the company further increase its already massive share of both the chaku-uta market and the nascent full-song download market on i-mode.
When I turned on the news Tuesday morning, I was surprised
to see a live telecast of a motorcade.
The broadcaster's helicopter hovered over the black
limousines as they traveled through streets empty because of
hour and season, this being O-Bon, when Tokyoites return to
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