Bicycle maker Asahi predicted it would close its FY2011 in February with a massive increase in profits.
The rate of vacant offices has been rising steadily, with a surplus in large floor space buildings and also overall.
Late last year it was revealed that Tabelog rankings had in fact been manipulated by online advertising companies.
Trade and diplomacy between Vietnam and Japan is running at an all-time high, and Vietnam is booming economically.
Predictions about what we think will happen on a macro level here in Japan or globally that will affect Japan.
Events that we think will have repercussions and benefits for Japan for years to come.
Another Japanese corporate scandal is in the works, involving the international subsidiary of Japan Tobacco.
A ministry think tank released that more than half of single Japanese men and women aged 18-34 have no partner.
Most Japanese SI firms are looking at going abroad in some shape or form.
Since the announcement there have been over 100 million searches on Google for terms relating to free tickets to Japan.
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