Back to Contents of Issue: April 2004
 David Kilburn (Advertising After the Bubble) has been writing about advertising and marketing in Japan and Asia since 1984, contributing to a wide variety of periodicals including Advertising Age, ADWEEK, Campaign, Marketing Week, Marketing Magazine, CB News and w&v. Currently, he is the Asia correspondent for the Internationalist, a bimonthly magazine for multinational marketers and agencies, which he helped co-found. He is also the Japan correspondent for Media.
Leo Lewis (Anime Attacks) is the Tokyo business correspondent for The London Times and an economics writer for several finance-based magazines. For three years he wrote as the chief financial reporter for the Independent newspaper in London, where he won the PFM Business Journalist of the Year. For seven months he served as the Deputy Editor of J@pan Inc magazine; he is now the magazine's chief contributing writer. His writing interests include the Japanese economy, oil, drugs and tobacco.
David McNeill (True Lies) writes for the London Independent newspaper and teaches at Sophia University in Tokyo. He is also a coordinator of Japan Focus (, a Web site that presents writing about Japan, and Japanese and international perspectives on contemporary Japanese politics, economics and society. He doesn't believe in conspiracy theories.
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