Back to Contents of Issue: October 2004
by J@pan Inc Editorial Team |
The FOMA F900iC is the world's first mobile phone that is compatible with iMode Felica technology, according to Fujitsu. The technology offers electronic money service, dubbed Edy (euro, dollar, yen), which enables shopping at some convenience stores and vending machines without a wallet; consumers simply slide the phone over an IC chip reader to pay. Felica is an IC card technology developed by Sony. The FOMA F900iC also has a remote-lock feature with which users can remotely disable Edy function by dialing a designated number from pay phones or other mobile phones. More Info: ![]() >> Sharp Aquos LC-45GD1 The Aquos LC-45GD1 has 6.22 million dots -- 1,920 (horizontal) x 1,080 (vertical) x 3 (RGB) -- offering the greatest resolution of all the 45V LCD TVs in the world, according to Sharp's Web site. Sharp is making the model in western Japan at its Kameyama factory, the world's first plant to producs LCDs and LCD TVs. The TV is compatible with High Vision broadcasting. Though massively wide, the screen is only 8.65-centimeters thick. It has built-in BS and CS tuners and a PC card slot. More Info: ![]() >> Sharp Mebius PC-AL90G The PC-AL90G is the first notebook PC that contains AMD AthlonTM 64, a power-saving, next-generation 64-bit processor. The PC uses a black TFT LCD, and users can see the monitor from a vertical angle of 130 degrees and a horizontal angle of 160 degrees. The PC boasts a three-layer UV coating that creates a virtually dirtless sheen. It also has"DirectHD," which enables users to copy all the data on an existing PC's hard disk onto the Mebius by using just one cable -- making it especially convenient for PC beginners. More Info: ![]() >> Toshiba RD-XS53, RD-XS43 The most valuable feature both the RD-XS53 and RD-XS43 boast is the capacity to record two TV programs simultaneously; each model has two MPEG encoders and two analog tuners. Users can store TV programs in the HDD inside the RD-XS53 and RD-XS43, so they don't have to search for what they want from a rack of DVDs. The two appliances have the so-called"Net-de-Navi" function, which enables users to set the recording time via emails from cellphones and PCs. Users can save TV programs in as many as 24 folders onto the HDD. More Info: ![]() >> Sanyo LCD-15A2, LCD-20A2 Sanyo, which is behind Sharp, Samsung and Sony in market share for LCD TVs, will sell pink LCD TVs, a rare color for televisions that are usually silver or black. The LCD-15A2 is 15 inches and the LCD-20A2 20 inches in diameter. The rationale for the pink, says Sanyo, is that the diversity of lifestyles nowadays creates the need for LCD sets that match various patters of flooring, furniture and other household interiors. What Sanyo calls"pearl pink" LCD TVs might attract women, who are typically more conscious of fashion than men -- at least according to the company. More Info: ![]() >> Buffalo PC-SMP2E/CB The PC-SMP2E/CB is what Buffalo calls a"TV Capture Card" that turns a normal notebook PC into a cable TV. All you have to do is plug the card into a slot on a notebook PC and connect the PC to a cable TV tuner via a wire included with the card. The card is attractive for those who want to watch TV without investing another JPY200,000 or more into a new PC or TV; it costs only a tad more than JPY10,000. More Info: |
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