Back to Contents of Issue: April 2002
by Assaad Razzouk |
The author SCENARIO 1: THE LONG DARK TUNNEL March 2020, Intercontinental Hotel, Tokyo Bay, 11pm Yotaro 'Ken' Tanaka, Hiroshi Amano and Jason Lotov were lounging at the 6th floor bar, gazing at the imposing Rainbow Bridge. There was a perceptible tension in the air, and after a period of uncomfortable silence at the table, Hiroshi asked Yotaro the question he really wanted to ask: "Tanaka-san, why is a talented man like you, who could contribute more to the country of his ancestors, living in Hawaii, maintaining secondary homes in New York, Paris, London and Bangkok, investing globally, except in Japan, and employing as his right-hand man a rude foreigner from Singapore who does not speak Japanese and takes too many holidays? Why do you avoid visits to Tokyo except when you have to? You were young in the 1980s, but Japan then was a model for the rest of the world. Yet you've made your fortune elsewhere and show no sign of wanting to come back. Why?" Yotaro paused for a moment. Then the quiet billionaire began: "I will tell you why: In my view, Japan is mired in a long and dark tunnel. Do you remember how lethargic our Japan was in the late 1990s? More than 50 percent of us did not bother to vote in national elections. Interest rates were at a record low, yet the economy was going nowhere. Bank after bank was being rescued because the government thought it was saving Japan from global shame. Today, we know that the banks were sitting then on more than JPY250,000 billion of bad debts. Superficial deregulation in finance, telecommunications, distribution, electricity, transportation, and in the retail industry, led, as far as I can remember, to the emergence of more large-scale supermarkets around the country, and that's about it. I am still waiting for real changes in corporate governance, the tax system, deregulation aggressive enough to encourage young entrepreneurs to start up more new businesses, institutionalized measures to allow women to take their fair share of the job market, sweeping changes to the pension system, and an independent telecoms regulator, and where are these, Amano-san? Do you remember that unemployment was at 16 percent in 2007, while our politicians were still in denial? Corporate Japan adjusted to the uncomfortable environment reluctantly, slowly, one small step at a time. You needed a hearing aid to notice the 'Big Bang', the reforms intended to open up and introduce transparency into the financial system. Even today, 20 years later, Japanese companies abuse accounting rules and compliance and corporate governance principles. "Improvements in health care solidified the aging population trend, and we were not preparing for it. Most companies kept honoring commitments to tenured workers such as lifetime employment and pay-by-seniority systems, at the expense of corporate financial stability. The result was a two-tiered labor force, divided by age: older workers protected by past agreements in inefficient firms, and younger workers who found themselves in temporary jobs, working part-time. The younger generation became alienated and started resenting the older generation, and so moved out: Instead of setting up businesses in Shinjuku and Harajuku, they went to India, London and California. Those that stayed vented their frustrations in bizarre music, disturbing movies, comic books, increasingly violent cartoons, and my favorite, TV shows featuring cockroach eating contests. In the meantime, look at the resurgence of the extreme right in Japan, and tell me how one can be optimistic about the future. "From 2010, if you remember, even the most prestigious Japanese corporations started finding young domestic talent hard to find, and that's not surprising: They should have been recruiting bright Japanese in California. Schools started closing because of the combination of the brain drain and the aging population. So, some of the most successful Japanese companies left too or were acquired by foreign companies. Would you have believed 20 years ago that Fiat would acquire Toyota? Or that seven of our most competitive companies would move their headquarters to London, four to Los Angeles, and three to Singapore? Japan's leading companies are growing overseas, where they can find competitive and open economies, flexible labor policies and an educated and creative workforce, and you can't blame them. In the meantime, you are still hard pressed to find one foreigner on the board of a major Japanese company, and this insularity is incomprehensible to me in this day and age. "Japan's slide was gradual, and we were pushed down a long and dark tunnel by the financial cancer at the core of our economy. The troubled markets of the late 1990s and the banking crisis of July 2002 were a time for true moral and strategic decisions. Our political leadership was probably not paying enough attention and continued with business as usual, and so 20 years on, the Nikkei is at 3,000, our country is broken and becoming a bit more irrelevant every year. We're like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car, frozen with fear. The bright and ambitious will always settle elsewhere, that's why we are stuck in a long and dark tunnel." Hiroshi Amano stood up and left, without a word. ![]() SCENARIO 2: THE TWENTY YEAR TAKEOFF STORY Urawa, Saitama Prefecture, Near Tokyo, July 2022 Good evening, this is Afrit Smart, reporting live from Urawa, a wealthy Tokyo suburb and home of the Urawa Reds, the soccer team that contributed eight players to Japan's dramatic 3-2 win yesterday over Germany in Casablanca in the 2022 World Cup. Tonight, we hope you will stay with us for this CNN special report, "Japan 2022 - The Twenty Year Takeoff Story." Let's go back first to July 2002, and to the first few tense days of Japan's banking crisis. The financial system was then on its knees; the equity of some of the largest banks, life insurance companies and asset management firms was worthless; the banks had over JPY250 trillion of bad loans and could no longer raise funds from the capital markets. Instead, they had relied on affiliated companies such as asset management firms and life insurance companies to raise capital. This in turn exacerbated a wealth-destruction spiral in which the banks lent money to life insurance companies which in turn bought their securities. Depositors were queuing outside banks to withdraw their funds, a fresh round of bankruptcies was around the corner, and it threatened to close down Japan's financial system. The Japanese government moved in decisively on July 19, when it ordered all banks, securities firms, asset management firms, post offices, and the capital markets to close on Friday and for all of the following week, an unprecedented event for an industrialized economy. Police were deployed nationwide to control angry crowds. The yen took a dive, and markets around the world saw heavy selloffs. Midday on Friday, the prime minister went live on television to announce that an emergency finance, tax and administrative reform bill cleared the Diet, code-named Operation Takeoff. The financial component of Operation Takeoff was: - All financial institutions, post offices and the capital markets were to re-open on August 5. - All banks, without exception, were nationalized. - Special auditors would ensure that all government corporations, as well as the banks, published genuine balance sheets and wrote off all their bad loans. - The government would re-capitalize the banks as appropriate. - The government guaranteed all deposits 100 percent.
- To fund the rescue package, 35 percent of all bank deposits and postal savings were converted, with immediate effect, into 15-year government-guaranteed zero coupon 'Solidarity Bonds.'
- 35 percent of all bank employees were to be made redundant within a month. - All bank directors were to resign with immediate effect. - The corporation tax was being cut to 10 percent, retroactive to April 2002. - Combined local and national income taxes were cut to 10-20 percent, and the land tax system was being reformed to re-liquefy the real estate market. - New startup companies would receive a 10-year exemption from all corporate taxes. - All industries were to be deregulated.
- Parliament was dissolved, and elections were called for September, in new electoral boundaries reflecting the true weight of the urban vote.
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