Back to Contents of Issue: January 2003
NTT-ME started pet-feeding services in November, using an automated feeding machine with a camera installed inside. The machine, iSeePet, stores pet food inside. You can access the machine through your keitai or PC to control feeding time. You can also monitor how your pet is doing through a camera inside. But the initial installation fee is a pricey JPY174,800. The monthly fee is JPY3,900. More info: - MICROSOFT TO LET GOVERNMENT SEE SOURCE CODE Microsoft has said it will let the Japanese government see the source code for Windows to appease government concerns about using the software in its e-Japan initiative. The Japanese government will get specific information on security holes in Windows, the Japanese media reported. This is an indication of just how much pork will be delivered to software makers and IT companies as part of the e-Japan project. And as this news item shows, the pork won't be going only to Japanese companies. |
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