(Due to the transient nature of the internet, some of these links may have expired or no longer exist.-editors)

Made in Japan If you have a handheld personal computer running Windows CE, you may be using a made-in-Japan CPU. Based on the success of their RISC chips in the Japanese market, Hitachi, NEC, and Mitsubishi Electric are now looking to the world market. by Noriko Takezaki Bay Networks: Making a New Start In February, Computing Japan talked with Bay Networks KK's new Chairman and CEO Koichiro Kurita about recent changes, and his strategies and expectations for the future. by Wm. Auckerman IT Financial Derivatives Advances in information technology have driven development of the modern derivatives industry. But by squandering their resources on trying to reinvent the technology wheel, Japan's financial institutions have fallen behind.
by Robert Kirby Doing Business in Japan Can small and midsize foreign firms hope to succeed in Japan? Does the foreign entrepreneur stand a chance? In the information technologies marketplace, the answer is a resounding "yes," as these four foreign success stories testify by John Boyd A Look Inside Intel's MMX By year end, most new PCs are likely to be Pentium MMX models. But just what is this new MMX technology from Intel? Should you rush out and buy a Pentium MMX-equipped computer - or will you soon regret your haste when the next-generation MMX models hit the market? by Tina Lieu
Understanding the Japanese Web User The World Wide Web is an increasingly important sales, marketing, and PR medium, but to utilize it effectively you have to know who you're reaching. by Tim Clark
CJ's Online Extras for May
Where can you read about the potentials (and dangers) of nanotechnology? Web browsing with a Newton? SCO's Unix Open Server? In the Online Extras section of our website at http://www.computingjapan.com by Wm. Auckerman
Online Extras
Available only online. You wont find these articles in the printed version of CJ.
"An Evaluation of SCO's Open Server 5.0."
"MMX: Marketing Hype, or Innovative Technology?" - Expanded version
Editor's Page
Industry News
The Digital Forest :by Forest Linton
Looking at the state of the Mac in Japan
The Query Column :by Thomas Caldwell Advice on getting ISDN and lugging a laptop
The Mac Chooser :by John Tyler Mac laptops have come a long way
The Help Desk Getting Japanese into English Mac applications
News Briefs
Who did what (and with whom)?
Win a Lexmark color printer! Enter our 3rd anniversary contest
Product Profiles A look at what's new on the Japanese market
BenchMarketing Japan :by JD Power/Regis McKenna Japan's corporate computer market is maturing
Industry Eye :by John Boyd Some things, at least, have changed for the better