Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ)
A non-profit membership organization promoting US-Japan business, networking and
information for foreign and Japanese professionals. ACCJ's High-Tech and Electronic
Commerce Committee focus on issues in the computing industry. For an information
packet, call 03-3433-5381, fax 03-3436-1446, http://www.accj.or.jp/,
or e-mail info@accj.or.jp.
American Electronics
Association (AEA)
An organization supporting the needs and championing the interests of American-capital
electronics companies in Japan. Monthly meetings at varous locations in Tokyo.
Contact Tom Logan (phone 3237-1795, fax 3237-1237), e-mail thomas_logan@aeanet.org
or access http://www.aea.or.jp.
CODE-J (Content
Developers of Japan)
An organization
for Web content creators based in Japan, CODE-J provides a forum for the open
exchange of ideas and development tips for content creators, both professional
and amateur. For more information about CODE-J visit their website at http://www.codej.org
or email chrisp@gol.com. The mailing list
will initially be open to all, but later will be for members only. To subscribe,
send e-mail to majordomo@ml.gol.com
with 'subscribe codej' in the body of the message. Meetings are held monthly at
Nihon Silicon Graphics headquarters in Yebisu Garden Place (Ebisu Station). For
a map, see http://www.sgi.co.jp/YGP/index.html.
Computer Users
Group of Yokota (CUGY):
and classes for all people interested in, and wanting to learn more about computers
and the Internet. Meets monthly the 1st Saturday on Yokota Air Base, Bldg. 4018,
Rm. 207 at 6:30 pm. BBS (0425-52-2510 ext. 58334). Contact Steve Hill (0425-52-2510
ext. 77303, Pres@cugy.com), Joel Dennis (0425-52-2510
ext. 77504, VP@cugy.com), or access http://www.cugy.com.
DotNight Infonauts
An informal group of people who like to learn the latest technological aspects
in computer culture and host a series of seminar-party-complex-events called DotNight.
It is an educative, night club style gathering. Past event topics included wearable
computers, avatar multi-user environment, VRML, agents technology, web3D, MP3
Foreign Executive
Executive Women offers speakers, networking, education and support to foreign
professional women. The next meetings are Thursday 12 November & Thursday 10 December
at 6.30pm at the Foreign Correspondents Club. For more information on our monthly
meetings and our forthcoming Careers Strategy Seminar on Saturday 7 November please
call /fax 5449-3856 or e-mail: few@gol.com
Forum for Corporate
Communications (FCC)
at professionals working in communications or related fields. Monthly dinner meetings
on 3rd Tuesday at the Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan (Yurakucho
Denki Building, 20F), and other events; monthly newsletter. Contact Tom Boatman
(phone/fax 03-3394-6923) or Taro Kondo (phone 03-3371-2077,fax 03-3371-2177; e-mail
TAROKONDO@aol.com).FCC Award Show:http://fcc.gol.com/
Computer Association
on technology management, dinner meetings are held every 3rd Thurs. (except Aug.)
at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (Yurakucho Denki Bldg., 20 Fl.).
Excellent opportunities for networking! Cost: Members-5000yen Non-Members-8,000
yen. Membership: 30,000/yr. corporate, 15,000/yr. individual. Topics presented
include: ERP implementation in Japan, Y2K solutions, e-commerce, mass storage
technology etc.
Japan SunSystems
User Group
For users
of Systems Union's SunSystems back office accounting and MIS needs. Discussions
about how to use SunSystems. Monthly 3rd Tuesday at the Eclipse
Computing Ltd.'s Seminar Room (Ichigaya Sta.). Contact John Dorff (03-3266-0860,
fax 03-3266-0864, or jdorff@eclipse.co.jp).
Japan Webgrrls
forum promoting the use and understanding of computers and digital IT. Meets monthly
on 2nd Saturday at Global OnLine offices. Contact May Leong (fax 03-5377-7259)
or access http://www.webgrrls.gol.com/.
Kaisha Society
For foreign
professionals working in Japan monthly meetings and other activities aimed to
foster information exchange on Japan and Japanese related careers.Monthly speakers
on Japan related topics of interest to foreign professionals. Annual membership
JPY25,000 and attend meetings for free alternatively pay JPY5,000 per meeting
as a visitor. Meets monthly on 3rd Wednesday at Foreign Correspondents' Club Japan
(Yurakucho Denki Bldg.,20F) 6:30 pm. Call the Kaisha Society Hotline (03-5562-0382)
or contact Mr Tim Vadney (03) 3433 7358, fax: (03) 3436 1446 or tvadney@accj.or.jp.
Further information on the Kaisha Home Page:http://www2.gol.com/users/kaisha.
Tokyo Macintosh Computer User Group. Get the most out of a Mac w/
online & CD-ROM software, BBS (Access 5468-5162) & email. Free meeting
every 3rd Fri. at Apple HQ features demos & problem-solving. Info:
03-3386-5996, administrators@ringo.net,
Tokyo English
NT Users Group (TENTUG)
to providing information and resources to the users of English NT in Tokyo. Meets
the fourth Thursday of every month at Franklin Covey, Japan at 7 - 8:30pm. Membership
is currently free. Access their website: http://www.tentug.org
(map can also be found).
Tokyo Linux
Users Group (TLUG)
meetings are held every other month (currently in even-numbered months) on a Saturday.
Technical meetings are held primarily in English, although Japanese is also used.
Everyone is welcome.
Informal "nomikai"
meetings are held every other month (currently in odd-numbered months). There
are no membership dues or meeting fees. Please see our website http://www.tlug.gr.jp/
for more information on meetings or email info@tlug.gr.jp.
For information on our mailing lists and how to subscribe, please see: http://www.tlug.gr.jp/list.html
Tokyo PC Users
For users
of IBM-compatible PCs. Meets monthly on 1st Thursday (2nd Thursday if a holiday)
in Tokyo Union Church (Omotesando). Annual membership¥10,000
(newsletter, full newsgroup access). Call the TPC hotline at 5956-7228, e-mail
info@tokyopc.org, or access http://www.tokyopc.org/.

Hokkaido International
Internet Association (HIIA)
Internet concepts, applications, and recent developments. Meets in Sapporo monthly
on weekends. Contact Shouya (011-615-0826) or Licia (011-726-6869), e-mail Darren
at 3dgames@bekkoame.or.jp, or check
Kansai Professional
Computer Association (KPCA)
dinner meetings on 2nd Wednesday at Karma. Annual KPCA membership ¥10,000
(includes newsletter). Contact Dennis Grass (06-377-4714),or e-mail wwcjp@aol.com.
KINKI Macintosh
Users Group (KMUG)14
monthly, usually in Osaka on the 4th Sunday, 1:30-5:00 P.M. First-time
visitors free. "Virtual meetings" daily on the KINKI-net BBS which
has English and Japanese resources and conferences and can be accessed
via direct dial-in or from anywhere via TCP/IP (one month free access).
Info: http://www.kmug.org Contact:
Francis McNally 0798-41-9910 or Garr Reynolds 06-6973-5834. E-mail:
info@kmug.org . Annual membership:
Macintosh Association
Macintosh users. Meets monthly on 2nd Sunday at Kitakyushu Women's Center. Call
Jose Cruz (093-962-8087) or Ross Goble (093-522-5273) or e-mail rossg@seafolknet.or.jp.
Nagoya International
PC Club
For IBM-compatible
PC users. Meets two Saturdays a month in Nagoya at Deacon Computer Consulting's
office (Sengencho). We have regular tours of Osu Kannon, product presentations
and more. Check out our complete guide to computer shopping in Nagoya or join
our mailing list at http://deacondirect.com/Computerclub/.
For more info, contact club president Marty Green (deacon@deacondirect.com)
or call (052-524-5685).
Okayama Computer
users group (PCs, Macs, Unix, OS/2, etc.). Meets 3rd Sunday of every month to
discuss issues relating to computing in a multilingual environment. Everyone is
welcome; there are no membership dues or fees. Contact Jim Schweizer at 086-272-0019,
e-mail schweiz@po.harenet.or.jp,
or check http://www1.harenet.or.jp/personal/schweiz/occ.htm.
Sapporo Mac
Users Group
weekend meetings at Hokusei Women's Junior College (Sapporo). SMUGmembership free;
newsletter ¥1,500 per year. Contact Kurt (011-644-0144)or e-mail kurt@mxa.meshnet.or.jp.
Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (FCCJ):
20th floor
of the Yurakucho Denki Building. Take JR Yamanote line to Yurakucho station (Hibiya
exit), or subway to the Hibiya or Ginza station (exit A3);walk a short distance.
Tokyo Union
Church (TUC):
Take subway to Omotesando station (exit A1; walk 2 minutes) or JR Yamanote line
to Harajuku station (walk 8 minutes). Enter church by side entrance;meeting room
is in basement.
HQ in Tokyo Opera City Tower 48F
From Shinjuku
Sta. catch the Keio New Line (not the Keio Line!) one stop to Hatsudai Sta.
Computing Ltd.'s Seminar Room (Ichigaya Sta.)
Computing Ltd. Matsumoto Dai-ichi Bldg. 3F, 2-7 Ichigaya Sadoharacho, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo 162 Four minute walk from Ichigaya Station Exit 5 of the Yurakucho subway
line or a 10 minute walk from JR Ichigaya Station. Located across the street from
the YWCA.
or suggestions?
Contact cjmaster@cjmag.co.jp