On the cover: Virtual personality Kyoko Date shows that AI is an idea with legs.
Image by HoriPro Inc
November 2001
No. 25
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Upfront | ||
Attack of the killer freestyle SKI-BOT This ski-jumping robot lands upright -- mostly. |
Happy birthday to us A look back on the events -- from Bit Valley to biotech -- that helped define our first 2 years. |
Off the Economic Radar with Eamonn Fingleton A book-writing contrarian says high-tech manufacturing puts Japan at the top of the heap -- above even the United States. |
Japan helps knit the global net Japan emerges as a key player in international IT and e-business development programs. |
Bit-sized PDAs rule. Here are the top ten. |
Radar Screen This month: Payment-One, robotics developer ZMP, sculptor Shunji Mitsuyoshi's AGI, and more. |
Roboman Satoshi Amagai The head of Sony's Entertainment Robot Company says the firm's famous robopooch isn't a word processor, but maybe it'll read your mail for you. |
From the Editor |
Features | ||
AI The way you shop, work, and play (and who you idolize) online has been fundamentally altered by artificial intelligence. We help you navigate the next revolution. |
Japanese Aesthetics and High-Tech Design The tea ceremony, ikebana, and bonsai are microcosms perfected -- just like cellphones, Web-enabled appliances, and other silicon gadgets. |
JDEX Update The JDEX reflects the bad year that tech stocks had in 2001. We hope that Japan's economy -- and our index -- has bottomed out. |
Market Entry Special Entering Japan: Proceed with caution, but don't wait too long... |
Blowfish | ||
Blowfish Our favorite fugu says "chiizu," picks at public toothpick use, and shares the innermost secrets of office ladies. |
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