Thank you for another excellent issue.
I especially enjoyed your admitting that you have not been paying enough attention to the Kansai area. According to your own numbers on page 36, you should be devoting almost one-fourth of your attention to Osaka alone!
In the article "Click Kansai for E-Commerce," when talking about Kyoto Research Park, since a large portion of your audience comes from outside Japan, there is one point that I think would have been worthwhile to mention. KRP has a unit called Gateway, whose mandate is to attract foreign companies into the Park and to provide general services that will help them integrate into the Japanese market. Already, they have helped us (Konova Solutions) with numerous tasks, such as opening a bank account (easier said than done when you're not incorporated in Japan!), finding the best type of Internet and phone connection, helping us modify our business plan to better fit the Japanese market, putting us in contact with VCs, and the list goes on. For a foreign company that has little or no experience in Japan, such as Konova when we first set up here, these services are essential. For more information, I suggest you contact William Maher at
Keep up your great work!
President and CEODavid
Konova Solutions Inc.