TT-504 -- Online Ad Spending Trend, ebiz news from Japan

With a global recession, advertisers are cutting back and many online sites are markedly suffering. We look at one company that looks as though it might just survive, and perhaps even flourish - GREE.


TT-503 -- Wind Turbine Venture, ebiz news from Japan

With Obama fully backing up the R&D for Green energy, how about a petite internet controlled wind turbine for starters?


TT-502 -- Value-leaders Make Money in Recession, ebiz news from Japan

Even during a recession, closely analyzing the economy can expose a wealth of profitable markets. Uniqlo is one, and rising SNS star GREE is another. But how can we identify the right markets?



TT-501 -- Is Now a Good Time to Start a Business? Ebiz news from Japan

The recession is predicted to to be with us for a while. Are low costs and government funds to SMEs good enough reasons to start up a business now?


TT-500 -- Predictions for 2009, ebiz news from Japan

A much extended recession, a collapse of the US dollar, and The Big One finally hitting Tokyo? What will 2009 have in store for us? Check out our predictions.


A Note of Thanks, JHELP Christmas Appeal

Thousands of foreign workers in Japan are continuing to lose their jobs, and with it, their homes. One of the worst cases involves a mother turfed out of her home with her baby. Luckily, there is an organization to help - but they need your support. Find out how.



TT-499 -- Year-end Round Up of M&As, ebiz news from Japan

An end of year round-up of M&As in 2008


TT-498 -- Car Sharing Gains Pace, ebiz news from Japan

Against a bleak backdrop of a failing auto industry, it appears that a silver lining can be found in a new system - car sharing.


TT-497 -- Metropolis Buys Kansai Scene Magazine, ebiz news from Japan

Who says print is dead? The future of publishing will lie in free papers and more engagement.


TT-496 -- Making the Case for Recycling Monopolies, ebiz news from Japan

With a decrease in demand from China, Japan's waste trade is going downhill.



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