TT-465 -- 200-year Rabbit Hutches, ebiz news from Japan

The Japanese government has tried to push both Japanese society and the construction industry to build more permanent homes, hoping to move away from the building of homes with an average lifespan of 26 years. Are attitudes changing? How does this affect the environment? What does it mean for the industry? Read Now


TT-464 -- Web Business Snapshot, ebiz news from Japan

Terrie takes the pulse of Japan's cyberscape from new SNS sites for the elderly to old favorites such as Yahoo and Mixi. How are these business making their money and what are the latest trends? Read Now


TT-463 -- From Toilets to Fuel Cells, ebiz news from Japan

Japan has long been touted as the bringer of alternative energy sources. Focusing on several companies that have invested in new energy products, including toilet manufacturer ToTo, Terrie explains why stocks in this industry are set to rocket in the near-to-mid term Read Now



TT-462 -- Turning Around FujiFilm, ebiz news from Japan

Fujifilm's share price has been in a slump for the last 18 months, partly due to pessimism about its acquisition of Toyama Chemical. However, when the strategic context is filled in, there are grounds for saying that Fujifilm is headed for a revival of fortunes in the near future. Read Now


TT-461 -- What Will Happen to the Yen-$ Rate? ebiz news from Japan

What's the color of your money? Against the backdrop of global economic volatility Terries explores how yen-dollar fluctuations might further hamper those trying to steady the boat. Read Now


TT-460 -- Match-Making Business, ebiz news from Japan

Take takes issue with the claim that the Internet is not a popular resource for socializing in Japan. On the contrary, he sees a growing trend for online social interaction, particularly in field of dating. Read Now


TT-459 -- Whatever Became of Hikari Tsushin? Ebiz news from Japan

Terrie looks at Hikari Tsushin, Japan's first and largest reseller of mobile phones. He focuses on the firm's entreprenerial fouder/CEO Yasumitsu Shigeta, what has he been doing since the dotcom bubble and where has he got to since establshing Hikari at the age of 21 back in 1988? Read Now


TT-458 -- Dual Nationality, ebiz news from Japan

Not only has Japan cracked down on foreigners coming in and out of Japan, the government has also started to take more action concerning the issue of dual nationality. To find out what the new measures involve and read some personal experiences of the system Read Terrie's Take Now


TT-457 -- Labor costs comparison, ebiz news from Japan

The labor market in Japan is difficult to get a good view of, partly becuase of the distortions created by reliance on World Bank or CIA statistics. Using alternative sources for figures, the labor market in Japan seems to be relatively competitive in regional comparison. Read Now


TT-456 -- Tightening up on foreigners, ebiz news from Japan

The new immigration procedures at Narita have been in place for a couple of months now. From his own personal experience and reports in the Japanese media, Terrie considers what is next in Japan's immigration master plan - a 'slave visa'? Read Now



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