Overtime - Part I

Everyone knows that the Japanese as a nation are workaholics - it's been like that for decades. Surely you knew at least this one fact about Japan before you came here, so although you do have rights (outlined below), you will surely be upsetting the apple cart if you start complaining about...


Self-help Program to Overcome - "Lack of Experience" Part Two: Projecting Your Qualities

Networking is a key activity in finding a job for yourself if you're inexperienced. What you want to have happen once you're in a group, is to have everyone else within that group see from your actions over a few months that you're someone who is trustworthy, energetic, intelligent, and generally a person who can be depended on. Even though you're totally inexperienced in the...

Self-help Program to Overcome - "Lack of Experience" Part One: Networking

It's just human nature, but the Japanese penchant for doing business in-person seems to be catching on even more than normal. Recently I've noticed an increase in the number of foreign managers who are hiring people they know and trust, to help them battle their way through...


International Transfers

I have lost track of how many letters I've received from people either trying to come to Japan or trying to get sent back home again by being employed by a multinational company. The daydreams are often similar. Join a Japanese company in the USA, and one day you may get the chance to be...


JPY200,000 is the Magic Number

Some months ago, I received an interesting request from a lady in a lesser-developed Asian country, wondering if her daughter's fiance, who was living in Tokyo, could support her daughter here in Japan. A natural enough question, given that the prospective groom would be whisking their child away to Japan for a number of years. What made me sit up and take notice, however, was when she explained that he only received...


Easing Your Way in by Interning

Tokyo is a small town for most foreigners. There are only about 2,500 foreign companies who really have a foreign atmosphere and a need for foreign employees. Getting in to some of these companies can be a real challenge, especially if you're newly arrived and/or you've just finished a course of study. One sure way to get in though, and to...


The Top End

Have you ever wondered what salaries in the top end of the market are like? In a country where some companies employ up to 400,000 people, you'd imagine that top executive salaries would be massive, as they are in the USA. Interestingly, within Japanese companies - even large ones - the salaries of CEOs are typically less than...


So You Want to Be a Writer? #2

About a year ago I wrote about getting a job as a writer in Japan. I've been surprised by the continuing flow of questions from budding journalists and other writers, asking if the opportunities are real. They are indeed real, but I admit that in the first article I wrote regarding this profession I didn't qualify the skill set you really need to...


One Yen Companies - Part Two

We continue our discussion on Kakunin Kaisha, or "one yen companies", with a continuation of the article submitted by Andy Hunne (andy@sentinel-it.net). The paperwork required to establish a Kakunin Kabushiki Kaisha (KKK) was relatively easy as it was done by my Judicial Scrivener, hired for the purpose. I told him what I wanted and he created it. I spent about 2 hours with the scrivener and have had maybe three phone calls in the past week with him to clarify a couple of minor issues, so the whole process...


One Yen Companies - Part One

Although this column is mainly about getting a job, many people are now opting to create their own jobs by being self-employed. Of course, starting your own company is a daunting task in any country, but in Japan there is always the added hurdle of having to raise...

