Hokkaido, a DPJ stronghold

In 2005, the DPJ managed to win eight of twelve single-member districts in Hokkaido, while equaling the LDP with three of the block's eight proportional representation seats...

Mothers, Korean dramas and content on demand

“I love to watch Korean drama series and comedy shows on Internet at night without being bothered by anybody...”

Magazine Subscription

We are sorry. Currently we do not provide magazine subscriptions, but may do so again next year.

The LDP opts for fear

With less than a month to the general election, Taro Aso and the LDP continue to face what looks like certain defeat...

The business case for green HR

This HRA Editorial provides a strong business case in advocating and using sustainable development principles to the practice of the HR profession. Read on and learn how HR and sustainable development can further drive your company's success.

DPJ will bring the ships home

After weeks of signs that the DPJ might wholly embrace the foreign policy status quo, Yukio Hatoyama announced on Wednesday that, when the current special measures law for the deployment of Maritime Self-Defense Forces (MSDF) refueling ships in the Indian Ocean in support of coalition activities in Afghanistan expires in January, a DPJ-led government would not extend the mission or draft a new law...

The LDP's newspeak

At a poorly organized press conference at LDP headquarters Friday evening, the LDP released its manifesto for the 2009 general election...

Japan's car makers make a killing on Cash for Clunkers

Perhaps it was the newspaper gene in me that made me screech my car to a halt when I saw a near riot in progress at my local total Toyota dealer...


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