The LDP's first steps towards a new party

A week after the Liberal Democratic Party suffered its first ever electoral defeat, a new party is already taking shape from the ashes...

Corporate capex in Japan

Much pomp and circumstance was certainly made in relation to the fact that Japan actually grew in the second quarter at a full annualized 3.7 percent in the second quarter of 2009...

Building the inner cabinet

In the transition plan released by the DPJ's committee to prepare for government in September 2003, the party stressed that in the first five days after winning a general election, the victorious DPJ would convene a transition team that would quickly put into place the rudiments of a new system for governing...

Diversity in the workplace

If you want to go beyond the WHYs of implementing a Diversity & Inclusion program in your company, read this Editorial for some practical advise on HOW to get senior management on board with Diversity.

Salespeople! Fear not the vendor manager!

They make you nervous when you first enter their castle lair, subdue you with their charisma, bleed you dry when you doze off....

What are the implications of a lithium based economy?

If we do move from a carbon to a lithium based economy, what are the implications? Will we all become mellow?

The long, hard road out of debt

What does this debt problem hold for Japan`s future and what policy options are available to get us out of this mess?
