FW-101 -- Keeping Warm Despite a Warm Winter

So, the new Japanese phrase for the day is: 'dantou,' the kanji for which literally mean 'warm winter.' That, according to the weather experts, is apparently what we are enjoying in 2007. You've probably seen the shocking pictures on the evening news: cherry blossom buds poking through in a balmy Washington DC in early January...

JIN-401 -- Yubari Still Has Melons

Yubari City, on Hokkaido, northernmost of the main Japanese islands, is known for its orange-fleshed melon. Film buffs will recognize it as the partial setting for the 1977 film 'Shiawase no kiiro hankachi' (The Yellow Handkerchief), which won the Japanese Academy Award for Best Picture. Now it is notorious as a symbol of...

TT-407 -- Dead dogs and Canon IP troubles

As Japanese electronics manufacturers rediscover their place in the consumer electronics world, competing with Chinese, Taiwanese, and Korean companies by introducing innovative and high-end products, Intellectual Property (IP) is increasingly becoming the point of leverage that defines success or failure. As a result...


JIN-400 -- Whereto Fuyu Shogun?

Sunlight pours into the room as I tap out this newsletter. I'm hot and slide open the picture window to let in air. A tiny fly wheels in lazy circles above my desk. It is January 30, midwinter in Tokyo.
Fuyu Shogun, the Winter Shogun, is a Japanese phrase for the rigors of the coldest season. This year...

TT-406 -- Tamagotchi takeoff, ebiz news from Japan

What small Japanese electronic toy created in 1996 has sold more than 40m units around the world, and within its target age group of under 15's purportedly has a 100% consumer recognition rate? Hint: when it went on sale in 1997, at its peak it sold at a rate of one unit every 4 seconds in North America ...


TT-405 -- Business predictions for 2007 - Updated

Welcome to the first issue of Terrie's Take for 2007. The signs are that the first half of the year at least is going to be a good one, certainly the mandarins at the Bank of Japan and our leaders in government and big business are saying so...


FW-100 -- Happy Hundredth: Radical Frugality and More

First of all, please help me celebrate a bit - we've finally reached issue No. 100! Maybe you're a new subscriber, and this is the first issue of Frugal Watch you've ever read. Maybe you've been with me since the beginning (March 13, 2004 - in case you're curious). Whatever the case - here's a cheery 'kanpai' to this not-so-shabby accomplishment...

JIN-399 -- Year of the BoSox

2007 dawned brilliant in the Kanto. I joined several thousand other people to watch the sun rise above a hill on the beach at Kamakura on the 1st.
All gazed, cameras poised, in anticipation of the ascension, and it arrived to a cacophony of oohs and aahs and whoops and wails from a spectating crowd in a netherworld of sake intoxication and sleep deprivation...

WW-159 -- Location-based Services

Starting in April 2007, the Japanese Government requires that all new third-generation mobile phones support position notification functionality using GPS. The latest 3G-models of the three carriers indeed all come with GPS. Time to take a look what location-based services are offered.

GW-266 -- Toshiba SD-H903A, Bluedot BTV-400K, mbco MBR0201A/S, Brother MPrint

The Gist: Toshiba is getting ready to release the first HD DVD recorder that fits inside of your PC: the "SD-H903A." It's unlikely that you'll actually see the drive actually marketed towards consumers by Toshiba, because you'll probably see it packaged as a product by Buffalo, I/O Data, or another OEM customer.
