GW-291 -- The Hottest Gizmos and Gadgets from Japan

This week's Gadget Watch takes a look at the FOMA NM705i cell
phone, two record players from EXEMODE and SONY for taking your vinyl into the digital age, and SONY's MDR-NC500D digital noise-canceling headphones.

JIN-457 -- Ireland Japan Relations

St Paddy's saw Omotesando closed off for the annual parade complete Guiness hot air balloons and Irish dancing. JIN takes a longer term look at the course of Ireland-Japan relations Read Now

Terrie's Job Tips -- Limited Japanese Ability - Part Six: Entrepreneurs

In the last of our profiles of people who have become successful in Japan without speaking fluent Japanese, we cover entrepreneurs. Now I realize that I've skipped R&D professionals, English professors, golf course designers, sports coaches, priests, and no doubt a slew of other professions. However, I hope that by picking up on multinational executives, Geeks, and now entrepreneurs, that I have been able to establish a pattern for creating a successful career despite some obvious handicaps - a pattern that not only works in Japan but also in other countries as well.


TT-461 -- What Will Happen to the Yen-$ Rate? ebiz news from Japan

What's the color of your money? Against the backdrop of global economic volatility Terries explores how yen-dollar fluctuations might further hamper those trying to steady the boat. Read Now


JIN-456 -- Depressed Japan

In the wake of a recent suicide pact in Aomori, JIN looks at the issue of mental health in Japan, particularly clinical depression. What can account for the dramatic increase in the numbers of people diagnosed as clinically depressed? Read Now


Terrie's Job Tips -- Limited Japanese Ability - Part Five: Technology Guru

Our next composite sketch for a foreigner who has made it in Japan is that of a technology guru. This is the most accessible career path for someone moving to Japan and not having significant Japanese-language skills. The reason such people can find success here is simple: Japan has a shortage of IT and scientific specialists in all kinds of areas, ranging from finance to semiconductor research. According to the report published by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare this month, there were 3.31 job openings versus engineers applying to fill them as of, January 2008.


TT-460 -- Match-Making Business, ebiz news from Japan

Take takes issue with the claim that the Internet is not a popular resource for socializing in Japan. On the contrary, he sees a growing trend for online social interaction, particularly in field of dating. Read Now


JIN-455 -- J@pan Inc Magazine, March/April 2008

This week's JIN guides you through the latest edition of J@pan Inc magazine, our recruitment special. Packed with articles on a wide-range of Japan-based topics, from investment to politics, skydiving to champagne, click on the links to go directly to the articles that interest you the most.

MMW-119 -- Japan's Music Media Publishers

Music Media Watch takes a look at SNS site Mixi's new music station service, RIAJ's sales figures for music downloads in 2007 and Sony's new walkman releases.

Terrie's Job Tips -- Limited Japanese Ability – Part Four: Turn-around Opportunities

Probably the most attractive and yet most challenging job an executive can have is to be recruited to fix a mid- to large-size company with problems. If that company is in Japan, then you know that the local management may have already gone to great lengths to fix things and still have not been able to turn the ship around. The only thing for such deep-seated problems is shock therapy, in the form of a gaijin shacho!

