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September 1999 Volume 6 no.9


September 1999

Feature Stories

Building your career in Japan
A survey of Net resources for IT, engineering, finance, and high-tech professionals seeking to start, extend, or builf their careers in Japan.
by Yuko Katsube-Mather

Connecting with a network of women: Japan Webgrrls
They're Net-savvy, IT focused, and one of them could just be your next boss.
by Karen Solomon

Warring over the web: PSINet's fiber campaign
Our spy took a peak at PSINet's strategic campaign to control the infrastructure that makes the Web work.
by Hugh Aston

Special IT Recruiting Supplement
This section available to non-subscribers

We pick 16 of today's hottest recruiting companies serving clients worldwide.
by the Editors

Recruiting - What to expect from a good recruiter
As overseas organizations take advantage of the current economic situation - some of them conducting business in Japan for the first time - recruitment of staff has become a major concern.
by Linda Strazdins

Global recruiting
When you're searching for hired guns, don't look in town - go global. Hurry - it's almost high noon!
by Angelena Wang

The decision to outsource
Hire or outsource? That is the question for Tokyo-based companies trying to build their IT capabilities.
by Paul Goldsmith

Teleworkers and entrepreneurs find a nest
The business of renting office space for virtual workers and others is booming. We look at finding wired space for your venture effort.
by the Editors

Killer app for mobile comms?
The killer app for 3G mobile services might just be the content itself. Business services are still slim.
by Noriko Takezaki

1999 IT Salary Survey
Computing Japan hit the streets recently to ferret out the latest info on wh0's making what in the IT and other fields. How do you compare?
by Thomas Caldwell

The man you want to get a call from - Interview with Roger Marshall
We speak with one of Ray & Berndtson's leading Japan headhunters about getting noticed, opportunities for non-Japanese, and working at Internet speed.
by Thomas Caldwell

Company Profile
Dennotai - Students get the Net by Noriko Takezaki

The Query Column
Internet-based news sources by Thomas Caldwell

Industry Eye
HP ready to do the Full Monty by John Boyd

Otemachi meets Sand Hill Road by John Stern

Product Profiles
New products on the Japanese market

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