The History Factor

I was surprised at the final reference in the essay "The Human Factor" that I read in your newsletter just now -- first because I think it is factually dodgy, but mainly because if history repeats itself, then the history of Tokyo gives us every reason to doubt Japan's ability to implement change in a uniquely Japanese, human-centered way.

Your ref: "Three hundred years ago, Tokyo was probably the biggest city in the world, a fact that had nothing to do with the West."


Where Can I Buy the Mag in the US?

First, let me tell you how much I enjoy reading your magazine online. I'm a business development associate for a Japanese software firm entering the US market. I find your articles insightful and a true window to the evolving IT market.

I understand I can subscribe to your magazine over the Net; however, where can I purchase J@pan Inc in the US? Newsstand, etc. There must be a distributor in Seattle! Please let me know ...

Ed Dickelman
Sumitomo Corp. of America


Another Wireless Myth

Your "Five Wireless Myths Dispelled" was very insightful. But how about this one for a myth:

"Wireless Web transactions are less secure than online ones."

Takeshi Kawase
Software Engineer


How Many Subscribers to Wireless Web Sites?

Since your magazine is the most complete source of information and news on the Japanese wireless Internet market that I an aware of, I am wondering if you can help me find a bit of information I have been looking for: Do you know where I might look to find a list of the number of paying subscribers to the most popular iMode, J- Sky, and au service official sites?


P2P Feedback

Amazing ...

Hats off to Sam Joseph ... Well researched and very well written!!

I often find myself waiting in anticipation for the new release of J@pan Inc, and as usual you do not disappoint.

After having lived in Japan for nine years and very much falling in love with both the country and its people for some unknown (to me) reason, I find that your magazine is able to portray (capture) a little of that unknown quality.


Kansai Contacts?

I enjoy the in-depth reports from your correspondents; other content providers just touch the surface in their analysis of Japan. As a technology consultant based in Singapore, I wish to contact an organization or startups in the Kansai region. Where can I get in touch with them? Is there a Web site or perhaps some emails which you can send me?

Steven Yeong

(Editor's reply: Steven, try the sidebar in our Kansai feature. Good luck, and thanks for reading JI. )


Kansai Comments

Thank you for another excellent issue.

I especially enjoyed your admitting that you have not been paying enough attention to the Kansai area. According to your own numbers on page 36, you should be devoting almost one-fourth of your attention to Osaka alone!


Show Us the Way

Despite the fact that your readers are of above average intelligence, I believe that you have over-estimated their ability to actually find Necca Shibuya (see article). Perhaps in the future you should provide either the URL (as Internet-based businesses is your primary coverage) or a basic map on how to actually arrive at the given place that you have reviewed. For the benefit of the other people hopelessly wondering the back streets of Shibuya, the URL is and the phone number is 03-5728-2561.

No Longer Lost,


Kansai Article -- a Hit

Congratulations on your fantastic and very informative article "Click Kansai for E-Commerce." Having previously worked for the Osaka office of the German Chamber of Commerce in Japan, and the German Consulate in Osaka, I have to say this article really tells it from my heart. Everybody who has been preoccupied with the situation of the Kansai area must feel this way. You should direct mail this article to every foreign institution dealing with external trade promotion in Japan, and they should feature the most important parts in their newsletters/reports/publications.


On the Swedish Grad Students' Research Paper

Just read this paper. It was clear and lucid, and technically sophisticated. Very well presented, with original research findings (such as the level of subsidy on i-mode phones) that I have not seen elsewhere.

Gord Paynter
Senior Staff Engineer
Panasonic Wireless Development Centre
Alberta, Canada



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