TT-685 -- Bureaucrats -- Enough is Enough, ebiz news from Japan

Reading the newspapers over the last few weeks, one could be forgiven for thinking that Japan is suffering a plague of corruption and insider dealing, especially by its bureaucrats.


Ethical Boundaries: Walking the Line

Golf BallBy Karryn Miller -- Japan struggles to draw the line between entertaining guests and bribery. Playing golf in Japan doesn’t come cheap. With green fees starting at around 10,000 yen a person, and reaching anywhere in the region of 50,000 yen for luxury courses, it’s a sport that has long retained an image of affluence. Over the years the pastime has been used to impress many a client, and in some cases a day of play has even been a tool to sway people’s actions and opinions.


JIN-419 -- Rigging in the Digging

Bid-rigging or 'dango' apparently takes places in the majority of public works projects in Japan. However, in an exclusive interview with Dr. Hiroshi Ohashi, Associate Professor of Economics at Tokyo University, we learned that as a result of the activities of the Japan Fair Trade Commission, and declining government budgets, the days of bid-rigging are numbered. Read Now

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