TT-634 -- Pension Age to Rise to 70? ebiz news from Japan

The ratio of employees supporting pensioners has fallen from 40:1 in 1979 to just 2.5:1 in 2009 -- an unsustainable situation.


TT-633 -- Are We in an M&A Bubble? ebiz news from Japan

Over the last 9 months the amount of foreign M&As being done by Japanese companies has been remarkable.


TT-632 -- BPO in Dalian, e-biz news from Japan

High domestic costs and a dwindling market are the drivers for Japanese companies to move abroad.


TT-631 -- Is Venture Capital Back in Vogue? ebiz news from Japan.

JVCA member companies investing almost as much in Q1 this year as they did in Q3 of 2008.


TT-630 -- Rare Animals as Pets in Japan -- e-biz news from Japan

You get to see some interesting pets being taken for a walk in the park.


TT-629 -- Small Companies Get in on M&A Trend, e-biz news from Japan

Despite the big numbers, there is also plenty of action at lower levels, like Osaka firm Endo Lighting.


TT-628 -- McDonald's Food ATMs? e-biz news from Japan

The company says that compared to other countries the Japan operation trails far behind in profitability.


TT-627 -- Old People: Savings and Health Liabilities, e-biz news from Japan

Old people own most of the wealth, and young working tax payers cover the oldies' increasing health care bills.


JIN-528 -- Changing Japan's Hive Mind

Consumers may still be wary of adopting a relatively pricey cloud computer, but Google is betting big on this emerging space.

TT-626 -- Why Ohio Shouldn't Cut its Foreign Offices, e-biz news from Japan.

A decision was made a to reduce the Global Markets team and to possibly cut all the foreign offices.

