TT-615 -- A Summer of Power-savings and Sweat, e-biz news from Japan

Air conditioning usage and work practices are going to have to alter substantially for the next 3-4 months.


TT-611 -- Gillard Sends Right Message at Minami Sanriku, e-biz news from Japan

Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, paid a visit to the tsunami devastated town of Minami Sanriku.



TT-610 -- Alternatives to Summer Power Cuts, e-biz news from Japan

Around 160GW/hrs could potentially be saved by turning vending machines off just during August.


TT-609 -- Looking for Business After a Disaster, e-biz news from Japan

Estimates are that the Japan will spend around JPY25trn to re-establish communities and businesses.


TT-608 -- Disasters and Weakness of Manufacturing Monopolies, e-biz news from Japan

Just-in-Time production, single suppliers, and monopolies do not work well with natural disasters.


TT-607 -- Economic Fall-out from Fukushima, e-biz news from Japan

What will be the real economic impact of the quake and the nuclear crisis in particular on the country?

