TT-625 -- Why is Hitachi Merging with MHI? e-biz news from Japan

This "merger of equals" would create Japan's second largest company after Toyota.


TT-624 -- Is Rakuten Over-extending? e-biz news from Japan

Japan's largest Internet company announced that it is acquiring Tradoria GmbH, Germany's largest online shopping firm.


TT-623 -- Toyota-Tesla Deal Goes Deep, e-biz news from Japan

Tesla will supply Toyota with power train components for Toyota's 2012 all-Electric Vehicle (EV) RAV4.



TT-622 -- Where to Find Safe Food, e-biz news from Japan

Disturbing "finds" have arisen in the press, indicating there were some very ill-informed decisions made by authorities.


TT-621 -- Tracking Future CEOs, e-biz news from Japan

We are seeing the trend of younger more internationalized CEOs being promoted from outside the inner sanctum.


TT-620 -- Is Our Food Supply Radiation Safe? e-biz news from Japan

A series of incidents suggests more widespread radioactive food contamination than officially acknowledged.


TT-619 -- Teaching Scientists How to Communicate, e-biz news from Japan

Eiichi Negishi: "Your playground should be the world and your language should be English."


TT-618 -- Addicted to Chinese Trainees, e-biz news from Japan

Thousands of small companies all over Japan are addicted to cheap trainee labor from China to stay in business.


TT-617 -- Content Publishers Need a Software Alliance, e-biz news from Japan

Failures helped us learn: to compete you have to be a software company or have a friendly one very close at hand.


TT-616 -- Believers in Japan's Health System, e-biz news from Japan

While every health system has its negatives, Japan's does have some amazing positives.

