TT-606 -- Nuclear Near Miss, e-biz news from Japan

Most everyone we know wanted to know about one thing: radiation and whether it's coming to Tokyo.


TT-605 -- A Long Walk Home on Friday, e-biz news from Japan

At first we thought the shaking was turbulence from a passing train, but then it became obvious that it was an earthquake.


TT-604 -- Why Japan Needs the TPP Trade Pact, e-biz news from Japan

PM Naoto Kan announced to bring Japan into the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact.


TT-603 -- Increasing Professionalism of Company Boards, e-biz news from Japan

External certified directors instead of shareholder activism for more professional corporate governance in Japan.


TT-602 -- Moving Office, Cloud Apps, and Saving Money, e-biz news from Japan

Rents in Tokyo are dropping and in January we moved our office to a new location in Roppongi.


TT-601 -- Jobs Recovery on the Way? E-biz news from Japan

Only 70% of college graduates had found jobs by December 1st, and less than half of junior college students have done so.


JIN-526 -- The Island Of Dr. Galapagos

Japan's Galapagos Effect offers an opportunity to witness valuable business experiments

TT-599 -- Rate of Pensioner Shoplifting Surges, e-biz news from Japan

More and more seniors being driven to shoplifting because of the economy and other factors.


TT-598 -- Why You Will Retire at 70, e-biz news from Japan

The Nikkei reported Yosano openly speculating that Japan's retirement age needed to rise from the current 65 years.

