TT-547 -- Review of 2009, ebiz news from Japan

The last Terrie's Take of the year, a quick review of events that have shaped Japanese business in 2009.



TT-546 -- Running an e-mail marketing project, ebiz in Japan

According to Symantec, the spam-busting software company, 87 percent of all unsolicited email was spam...


JIN-515 -- BoJ to Japan's rescue & Facebook gets even bigger

An emergency meeting at the Bank of Japan yields a new round of quantitative easing

TT-544 -- Construction Domino Game, ebiz news from Japan

The nation's leading seller of condominiums in Japan in 2007, filed for bankruptcy this last week...


JIN-514 -- The future of Internet news media?

Rupert Murdoch and Microsoft may team up against Google to change the face of media.

TT-543 -- Watami: from food to old fogies, ebiz news from Japan

A restaurant chain, Watami, is providing people with a way to enjoy themselves but at a much lower price than a year ago.


TT-542 -- Cash in kids clothes?, Ebiz news from Japan

It's not just fast fashion that's beating the recession.


TT-540 -- Medicines online after all, ebiz news from Japan

Will Japan's mystifying piece of legislation actually improve safety? Or is it another piece of bureaucratic ridiculousness?

