TT-553 -- Medical Tourism a Non-starter, ebiz news from Japan

... and an ossified Japanese hospital system in a state of financial crisis.


TT-552 -- Pressures to Change Japan, ebiz news from Japan

Denying foreigners the right to vote in local elections -- child abduction in divorces -- Toyota's PR crisis -- proposed ban on Bluefin tuna


JIN-518 -- Toyota Presses Pause

Toyota struggles to deal with a worldwide recall of millions of its vehicles.

TT-551 -- JAL's Tie-up: Who Will it Be? ebiz news from Japan

Will bankrupt JAL tie-up with Delta's Skyteam or American's Oneworld to meet the Open Skies criteria?



TT-550 -- Lithium Batteries and Smart Grids, ebiz news from Japan

High on the strategic energy agenda apart from solar cells and wind turbines are Li-Ion batteries and smart power grids.


JIN-516 -- Google's cloud versus the Great Wall of China

Google recently released a statement that may forever change Western IT business in China.

TT-549 -- M&A Comes Roaring Back, ebiz news from Japan

In December 2009 there was an uptick in the number of deals indicating that we may be in for a strong year of M&A activity.



TT-548 -- Trends for 2010, ebiz news from Japan

A longer term view and a pick of some trends that we think will crystallize or accelerate during 2010.

