TT-561 -- Nikkei Blogging Links Ban, ebiz news from Japan

Given that a lot of Web content revolves around bloggers, we think the Nikkei's stance in banning blogger links is short-sighted.


TT-560 -- Asian Tourists Mean Cash, ebiz news from Japan

The propensity of Asian tourists to shop, eat, and pay for good service underlines their emerging importance to Japan's economy.


JIN-521 -- Dawn Of The East West IT Cold War

The West's battle for IT market share in Asia

TT-558 -- Web Companies Fuel Exports, ebiz news from Japan

Ambitious Web marketing and export logistics firms help small and medium-sized Japanese manufacturers.


TT-557 -- Kaneka: Innovation Powerhouse, ebiz news from Japan

Osaka chemicals firm Kaneka's latest developments in anti-aging products might become
big sellers.


TT-556 -- Coffee Shop Business, ebiz news from Japan

Japan is the number 3 importer of coffee globally. Per capita consumption, however, is putting the country at Number 41.


JIN-520 -- History says Google Buzz is likely to fizzle in Japan

With Google Buzz, the world's largest search engine has finally tipped its hand.

TT-555 -- Child Poverty in Japan, ebiz news from Japan

Voice of American interviewed a senior government researcher who stated that up to 15% of Japanese children now live in poverty.


TT-554 -- Personal Imports to Test Market, ebiz news from Japan

Japan's Personal Import system allows for the simple import of private consumption mail order goods.

