TT-539 -- Solar cell insanity, ebiz news from Japan

The market for titanium is glutted so Osaka Titanium has decided to expand its other major product line.


TT-537 -- Publishing the ACCJ Journal, ebiz news from Japan

J@pan Inc Communications gears up to publish the journal of Japan's most influential foreign chamber of commerce.


TT-536 -- The Savoie child abduction case, ebiz news from Japan

Why would an intelligent businessman and Japan old hand be driven to such extremes?



TT-535 -- Why Tokyo may lose its Olympic bid, ebiz news from Japan

Once again, those in power forgot about a few details... for example, the opinions of the public...


JIN-513 -- Iron Mice and Gooferine - Marvel joins Disney

In Tokyo it’s easy to be somewhat insulated from the sinking
popularity of Disney’s characters...

TT-532 -- De-ICEing Tsubakimoto, ebiz news from Japan

Shockwaves will be felt around the year 2012 and it won't be due to Armageddon. The "Electronic Vehicle Shock" is not so far away...


TT-531 -- Selling shopping therapy, ebiz news from Japan

It's now a survival of the cheapest in the retail market as Uniqlo and the low-cost/no-cost giants take charge.


