TT-588 -- Logic for Spawning 400 Subsidiaries, e-biz news from Japan

Japan's archaic regulations require new subsidiaries to be opened for new business activities.



JIN-524 -- The West's New Yen For Japan

Although wrapped in the reputation of the Galapagos syndrome, Japan is ripe for startup investment.

TT-587 -- Where Start-ups Get Money From, e-biz news from Japan

Unlike in other countries, Venture Capital firms do not play a major role in helping new companies get started.


TT-586 -- Can China Choke Japan's Food Supply? e-biz news from Japan

What commodities does China make that Japan vitally needs and would be severely hurt if they couldn't get it?



TT-585 -- A Tribute to Jim Adams, e-biz news from Japan

Jim had a reputation for looking after both his own people and those around him very well.


TT-584 -- Where Have All the Financial Advisers Gone? e-biz news from Japan

The Financial Services Agency (FSA) is bearing down on the cold callers, and driving them off shore.


TT-583 -- Japan & China -- the Slippery Slope, e-biz news from Japan

Japan detained a Chinese fishing trawler that was in Japanese territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands.


TT-582 -- Who Wants to Work Abroad? Almost No-one, e-biz news from Japan

Most Japanese business people have no desire to be posted abroad when there is no financial incentive.


TT-581 -- Time to Move Your Office, e-biz news from Japan

A Miki Shoji report confirms rising office vacancies in central Tokyo and falling average rents for the innermost wards.


TT-580 -- Poverty Amongst Young Adults, e-biz news from Japan

It seems now that many young people are forced by the economy rather than by choice to live with their parents.

